
“Basic” needs to die. It is so demeaning, dismissive, and impliedly misogynistic. Men are never called “basic.” Only women are called “basic.” And it always used to dismiss women who happen to like things other women like. As if liking things that are popular some how makes you “less than.” It breeds this weird


I saw a trailer for this at a theatre, and a woman in the audience yelled, “Fuck Johnny Depp!” And it was a morning screening, and it was not a rowdy crowd. It brought me great joy.

I’m disappointed in Rowling’s response. Especially because I think Depp is a one-trick pony and I’m bored with his trick.

Yes. But let’s keep trying to hold the guiltier Republican’s feet to the fire until they are done too. Remind everyone that Franken did less but is out and it’s time the same is true for the Trumps and Moores of politics too.

Ugh, people who think that forcing a senator to resign over multiple accusations of sexual harassment and assault is what “the left eating itself” and “throwing our own to the wolves” looks like. Especially since it seems to be coming from many commenters who, in other instances, very frequently are critical of the

So, what should we do? Should we adopt their tools? Should we accuse Franken’s accusers of being paid political liars? Should we demand that they apologize for him for hurting his career? Should we shout “Fake news!” and go pull the lever for a known creep?

And here we have another person condoning sexual assault as long as they’re democrats.

As one of the pussies, I’m just fine with a party that’s welcoming to us for a change. Both parties have been throwing women to the wolves for decades. What do you think happens to staffers who resign and interns whose biggest learning experience is that the statehouse isn’t a safe place for them?

He was a good senator for Minnesota.

Sad, disappointed, and pissed are all much better reactions IMHO than the intense fingers-in-both-liberal-ears-lalala-denial going on in comments here there and everywhere across the blessed internet about how he wasn’t so bad and shouldn’t have resigned.

I’m sad as one of his constituents, but that’s what you get for being a fucking creep Franken.

Gah, the whole Moore/Trump thing. Our ethical guidelines can’t be summed up with “but mom, everyone else is doing it”

Never spoke out? She literally testified in public court.

you’re a fucking dick

No, it’s someone who is appalled at how women eat their own, and we have to stop.

Here and on Twitter I am just annoyed at all the nitpicking.  BTW, according to Time the issue was basically put together solely by women.