
As the only mothers in our family, my mom and I are abandoning everyone else on Mother’s Day and leaving them to their own devices. We’re getting our nails done, going to see Tully, and having a fancy dinner together. I. Cannot. Wait.

It’s Hoarders for me. Am I a slothy messy person?

Integrating rich, privileged, white, male rapists back into society after abysmally short jail sentences is definitely the same thing as school desegregation.

Fuck this. When are we going to start charging, prosecuting, and convicting cops of assault and murder? They’re the ones who take a so-called oath to “protect and serve” and yet are out there actually murdering citizens with impunity while their agencies and fellow officers lie and cover for them.

YES! Jizz definitely has a bleachy odor to it.

I hope you have insurance because I hear the going rate for a hernia repair is like $10k. ;-)

Yeah, my kid’s break was above the elbow and required surgery. The surgery itself was actually incisionless - they put him under and then manipulated and pinned his arm into place using an x-ray. He spent about 26 hours in the hospital so we were, of course, charged for 2 days. The $33k did not include his urgent care

I’ve also never been so thankful to have insurance as when my kid broke his arm when he took a tumble at the park. I got a bill from the hospital for $33,000 for that broken arm and it didn’t even include his ER visit or the 30 mile ambulance ride to a children’s hospital. My insurance covered all of it. But without

I think the rule is that if you get a degree in philosophy, you also get a degree in something else. Mine second B.A. is in English. My friend’s is in biology. My other friend’s is in women’s studies.

I have an undergrad degree in philosophy so I am adding Philosopher to my resume. Also, I have spent countless hours watching medical dramas such as ER and Grey’s Anatomy so I am also a surgeon. Obviously.

Most of mine are terrible rom coms that I will watch with delight any time I happen across them.

If I recall, I read that this district will actually be split in two and that Lamb will probably run in the newly formed district that will be more left leaning.

Yes, this. When the Senate was up for grabs, I even donated to an anti-choice Dem in Louisiana. Normally that issue is a non-starter for me, but I have the luxury of living in California where I can push my reps toward more progressive policies. In deep red territory, the push has to be toward the center first. I’d

I like J Law and think she could be great. But dear god, she has a habit of picking horrible movies. I can only think of a small handful where she was appropriately cast. This new Russian spy one gave me some hard core cringies when I saw the preview.

You guys, they just want to be able to form a militia to rise up and protect themselves against the tyranny of a police and military state, both of which they fund and support with rabid fervor. Makes total sense.

The real story here is that Chobani is the number one selling yogurt because it is loose, watery, rancid swill. Also, what Dannon makes is pudding masquerading as yogurt.

I just watched FNL for the first time a few years ago and I routinely refer to the actors from the show by their FNL character names.“Oh, Landry is in the new season of Black Mirror.” “I’ve been watching Waco with Tim Riggins.” “Did you see that Jesse Williams was dating Lila after he and his wife split up?” “Oh hey,

“It’s too soon” is textbook GOP gaslighting. As if the people who want to talk about how we stop this shit from constantly happening are the insensitive ones. No, fuck you. If you don’t want to talk about it, if you throw your hands up and pretend like nothing can be done, if you actively work against a solution, if

These kids - these amazing, resilient, fierce kids - are giving me so much hope for a better future.

Yeah, I watched snowboarding last night and even though I couldn’t help but be impressed by White’s runs, I was rooting against him. Not only is he known for being a total asshole both in and out of his sport, he comes into this with so much privilege and all the advantages money can buy. Fuck him and his stupid win.