
This is so fucking stupid. Why do Republicans get such a giant boner over cutting programs that help poor people, women, and children? Our government trying to save money by cutting funding for programs like SNAP is like trying to save money to buy a house by collecting dimes from behind your dryer while driving a

I watched last night and found it a little cluttered and I found every character unlikable. The thing with SFU (my favorite show ever) is that the characters were deeply flawed and did unlikable and awful things, but you loved them anyway because they were so fully realized and complex. It takes a while to build that

Your cat might surprise you and enjoy having a playmate! Our third cat, who we thought might not appreciate the newest addition, actually loooooooovvvves him.

Yesssss! All the kitties!

I exchanged my kid’s 4 year old backpack for a new one. The zipper stopped working, but it was otherwise in good condition (which, to LL Bean’s credit, is amazing for an elementary school aged kid). He’s still carrying the replacement around, but it’s about to meet its death. The zippers are working, but it’s frayed

I’ve never tried microwaving M&Ms, but now I’m totally going to. Usually I pour some into my hand and then hold them tightly to make the chocolate melty. I do the same thing with Reese’s Pieces.

This is exactly right. I have seen some downright unfortunate looking babies. They’re still cute, but not in a cute way.

I am a stylist loyalist. I had my last stylist for many years, but she moved away. It took me several years and countless visits to other stylists to find a new one I liked. You’d think it would be fairly easy to work with long straight hair that gets colored my natural color (I’m mostly covering greys). But people

I think it’s top 3 worst for the K-J family (Chicago, Dream, Stormi in that order). I get wanting to have a unique name for your kid, but there are so many underused actual names. I don’t understand the trend of naming an actual human being who will grow up to be an independent person something so silly (also do not

Same. My period lasts 2-3 days and is super light thanks to the birth control I use. I probably go through 3 regular tampons a day which means I am definitely using less than 10 per month on average. If a box of 36 costs me about $7, we’re talking less than $2/month.

FIVE?? What’s the point of even selling them in that quantity. And that price is a goddamn disgrace. I think the smallest quantity you can buy here (here = California) is probably 18 or so. And you can get a name brand in that quantity for about $4.

The twist that we were watching the little boy and the social worker not because the little boy was preparing to go to Randall and Beth, but because the social worker was future Tess was just too much. Having it come on the heels of that conversation between Tess and Randall, and Randall showing up for the weekly

Eh, fire, heart attack, Jack, blah blah, whatever.

Dear god, is there more than one? I came to this school so excited to be able to work somewhere dedicated to such noble values, but it has been a nightmare. The students are great, but there are a handful of people here who are legitimately some of the worst human beings I have ever known. I routinely wonder if one is

My whole life right now is pretending to like people who I fucking hate. I took a job at a very liberal minded school with a progressive agenda and found out only afterward that I’m basically working in the Trump administration. But I am certain that some of these hideous people would be shocked to know that I see

I feel like every Christmas is a bitter disappointment to me because my family isn’t that family.

I’m not dating anymore, but this right here was key. I wanted someone who lived on his own and paid his bills and had a respectable credit score. But I also wanted someone who would weep with laughter at this tweet and hit play over and over again (I found him, btw, and it is glorious):

I used OKC back in the day, too. I’m not even sure if Tinder was a thing when I was doing the bulk of my online dating. I did sign-up and use POF one time and I messaged one guy in the initial group of potential matches they sent me. That one guy became my boyfriend and 5 years later we share rent payments and

Tbh, the show has been more about Claire than Frank for a few seasons now. Robin Wright is a superior and more nuanced actor than Spacey. And Claire Underwood is a much more compelling character. So, BYE FRANCIS.

We have to figure it out or we’re going to keep losing.