No! I love Chummy! Man this makes me bummed and also the fact that the writers really give Trixie a hard time.
No! I love Chummy! Man this makes me bummed and also the fact that the writers really give Trixie a hard time.
I understand how you feel. I’m very upset by this. We are indeed in upside-down world.
I was just about to comment the same thing. At the bottom of the twitter photo there seems to be a disclaimer that someone (the paper I assuming) neither “condones or supports the content or message of this flyer...” Then why would you put the entire thing unedited on the front page, thus giving them free…
I’ve read about spironolactone in conjuction with birth control pills for those with PCOS or high androgen levels. I have neither and my androgen levels are smack-dab in the middle of the normal range for women, so I never really brought it up with my doctor. Maybe I also helps with acne apparently, which…
A lot of families in upstate NY took in some of the children affected so they could continue their education thanks to funds raised by the Quakers and Jewish organizations.
This. I forgot to clarify in my original post above that I let all the hairs grow back when I tweeze them (full growth cycle which takes 9-10 days for me for them all to come in) as opposed to constant/daily tweezing whenever I see a hair. In between waiting, if I need to, I will shave.
I understand your struggle. I pretty much have a neck beard. Not fine wispy hairs, but thick coarse black hairs being that I’m African American and because I’m fair-skinned are highly visible. Normally I pluck the hairs individually because I’m terrible at waxing. It takes about 30 mins to an hour. If I have a lot of…
I fell and busted out my two front teeth and got stitches in my lip and eyebrow, so I’m thinking she fell in a completely normal manner. It sucks, but it does happen. Nothing nefarious or akin to Jimmy Fallon “tripping” on a rug.
Yup, sounds about right or just as I suspected. Lack of internal/external controls, documentation, and employees taking advantage of system weaknesses. Employees should not have been classified as students as well. There should have been another classification for student-employees so that they were ineligible for…
Azelaic acid at 20%. In the US (and Canada), the brand name is Azelex produced by Allergan. Overseas the brand name is Skinoren produced by Bayer and it’s much more affordable. It’s sold over the counter in New Zealand.
The fuck? The Ordinary has been a life (skin and money) saver for me. It is such an affordable option compared to my $300+ prescription medication from my dermatologist, which works, but jeezus! (retails much cheaper in other countries, in others it’s OTC, but don’t get me started on that...)
Yup. My thoughts too. GW is right. there. Would have been a long wait for her too because a bruised ego is pretty low on the list for triage.
That sounds more like Love It or List It rather than HH. I think you may have of confused the two because on the former they are shown three houses by a real estate agent (David) while an interior designer (Hilary) renovates their existing home. Then they must choose. The show is based in Toronto where there is never…
As an accountant that had internal control drilled into me in college, I ask the same questions...this is an easily avoidable problem.
Yup. The program design along with the lack of internal controls allowed this to happen. They easily gamed a system that was fucked up to begin with. You can’t just trust people to do the right thing. That’s not how accounting and information systems work.
Seriously, the lack of IC is mind-boggling to us accountants and accounting information systems people. IC is fundamental. This should have never happened.
Yep. Back in the day that got me into the top schools in my state and a scholarship to the architecture school at the college I attended because I scored high in math of my SAT. It’s crazy how competitive it is now. I was a solid 3.5 student, 1200 SAT, and took AP classes...a very average student by today’s standards.
Yes. And this has done before back in the day of Vine. So not original and an annoying asshole to boot.
Yup. My comment/mini-rant was exactly about this.
Hopefully the quality will be up to par the way it was back in the day. I still have sweaters, suits, and other items from almost 20 years ago that are still in excellent condition. J.Crew quality went to shit when Lyon’s came on and they tried to re-brand as high-end/trendy. I have Target sweaters that look better…