
This idea that the left knows there’s only one right way to live, it’s the way that we want to live and we’re going to force it on you.

Cops lie. It should always be assumed that any cop is lying, regardless of the circumstances. Whether something as innocent as a bungled fast food order, or something as serious as murder. They are allowed to lie, so they do, whenever it benefits them, with impunity.

It’s spelled Hayden but it’s pronounced Ashleigh.

If I lied to a grand jury it would ruin my life (which is why I wouldn’t even consider doing it.) For cops, it is just another tuesday.

GM will include a tape deck so you can play apple music with this adapter

Oh, thank God! I was starting to worry we might have to start paying people a living wage.

Worker shortage? But, wait... I thought illegal immigrants were taking all our jobs.

Will these be the same robot solutions that currently aren’t flipping my burgers either?

[DumpCo Inc headquarters, interior, the big conference room up on seven. The one with the thick carpeting and that has live plants. You know the one. The Board is gathered around the big table...]

I gotta share this story. Last night at work I witnessed overwhelming racism:

I was on lunch and it was shift change mid-blizzard (Ontario’s having some interesting weather rn). One of the two cashiers went on break. The only cashier on was a young Black girl. So this older female customer goes to her line and actually

Wait tho... the actual performers felt they didn’t have time to prepare and the choreographer selected dancers they were familiar with that were coincidentally non south-asian.... What did they want to happen here? It sounds like the options they would have preferred was either thrusting indian dancers into an

Seriously. Take a day off.

Yeah, but she was liked fired over the blue rollout and i’d bet a ton the failure was due much more to interference from above than her work on the project. But elon won’t fire himself, so gotta have a scapegoat.

I’m with Chris. Cover letters are bland already. Let an AI do the work, review it, tweak it, and submit it.

I dunno, AI seems like the natural answer to this problem to me. There’s nothing “personal” that I have to say that would be comfortable or professional in a handwritten cover letter anyway.

Cover letters are an absolute joke in the first place.  Use AI for the draft, make changes and make sure it is coherent, press send.

I low-key love this, but I think the enterprising teenager should have brushed up on his graphic design skills. Comic Sans and cartoon palm trees? Yikes.

Comic Sans typeface IS a crime.

I’d rather be loved, respectful, and left alone. 

I think that’s what it is with him. Adult women have, you know...opinions. And maturity. And find him creepy. Teenage girls are impressionable, and easy to manipulate.