I appreciate the fact that you took the time to put the appropriate amount of works in your comment
I appreciate the fact that you took the time to put the appropriate amount of works in your comment
Yup. I said something along the same lines. My ex did this constantly at his former service job, I encouraged it because it meant more money in the form of tips. It’s truly a part of the job and it’s harmless.
I had an ex that rotated working the witching hour at a very popular/trendy food truck. I’d stop by occasionally on a night out to say high and see if he can get off his shift early. It was fun to watch him playfully flirt with all these drunk white girls because, work it honey get that money! He always made a killing…
There is no way he is a year older than me. He looks like he’s at least 15 years older.
Pre-ACA: I was previously with Kaiser Permanent through college, then got insurance through UHC at my job, then applied back to KP when the company I worked for went out of business 8 years later during the recession. I got denied for the pre-existing condition of: mild acne, which KP referred me to a dermatologist…
That is my aesthetic.
It was always game pieces and such in my experience, mainly Scrabble tiles, dice, and dominos. My parents used to keep their Scrabble tiles in a Crown Royal bag back in the day and until we got old enough to realize wat Crown Royal was. My best friends dad always kept Scrabble tiles and dominos in in those bags and an…
I love Bedazzled.
FUCK HER. That’s all I have to say.
Yeah, OKCupid s fucking awful. Legit. I made a few friends there, but dating wise, it’s terrible. It can be comical sometimes, but also really sad after awhile. Makes you feel disheartened about the type of men in the world. I’ve been meaning to try Bumble for awhile.
I recently just broke up with someone. Literally a few days ago. Am I upset? Of course.
Yes please.
This makes me soooooo furious. I was raised in the church (Protestant and AME), and I knew if there was ever EVER a problem I could talk to my pastor, because I trusted them. And they were all wonderful people.
Was searching for this! She looks very much like Hef’s #1 girl. (Still pissed he never at least proposed to Holly, but I was here for the tell-all and she’s happily married with a child so yay her!)
OMG. This is so hilarious and sad at the same time. Why don’t I walk around one day in a white woman’s shoes? AHAHAHAHA :(
I love your dog. Greetings from NoVa.
Yup. Lived here my whole life!
This was an amazing piece. I knew already by the lede. Thank you Anne.
Rather, I really appreciate that. Thank you so much.
Yup. Look at her smug fucking face. She has a history of doing racist ass shit. Her father was an actual Nazi. Fuck her. If she wants to wear her “jewels” she would have disassembled the jewel, melted the metal, and made something different. But, no....