
I guess she wasn’t going to last until the 31st century.

We get to poach the lower human horn, right?

Yes, let’s medicate women for a problem that men are having with them. This is largely the case, I suspect. Most women who don’t want to have sex...really don’t give a shit. Unless you’re in a relationship, this isn’t going to be an issue. I have tons of happy celibate girlfriends. I am happily man free and it is

Is she selling soap or cake?

“Someone” you mean Sethbling? The guy whose content Kotaku frequently features?

Somebody has to be doing Riker’s laundry.

“the mystery woman was cleaning out her house after her husband died.”

All that stupid chatter (“LICK IT NOOOOW” “SPIT ON THAT”) sounds almost staged, like they wanted to be caught doing the naughty. Or maybe that’s just what sheltered 20-somethings who watch bad porn think sex really sounds like.

MMFR will affect the industry, I believe. The thing about it is its divergence from the order of the day. In being not like the others, it is very similar to Star Wars, not in size but certainly in sentiment. One of the things about George Lucas’ troubled little film (a million thanks, Alan Ladd, Jr.!) which isn’t

In an entirely unrelated announcement, the CIA will soon be moving it’s headquarters from Langley, Virginia (elevation 269 feet) to Denver, Colorado (elevation 5,280 feet).

“Critics who treat ‘adult’ as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in

Wait, so you think water isn’t a basic human right?

Yeah, the most basic staple of human existence should be under the control of the oligarchy!

Reminded me of Sucker Punch more than anything else

“Hmm. I haven’t had any creeping body horror yet today. I wonder if Esther’s posted anything lately?”

My dog growing up refused to eat peas. You could literally give her a bit of stew with mixed vegetables in it, she’d lick the bowl clean, then she would drop all the uneaten peas out of her mouth back into the empty bowl.

One of the most interesting video experiments I read about was one where a number of young women spent a day disguised as males, and what their interactions were like. The one thing they said struck them the most, was that no one noticed them or gave them second glances. They didn’t like it.

There's something deeply unnerving about the way that cat's moving. Not only does it not look natural, it doesn't exactly look voluntary.