
Not forgetting of course that water left for long periods (months) in sheltered conditions can develop Legionnaires populations. You really don’t want that. Just chuck it away. The guy below drinking from his RV tank is lucky he didn’t catch it.

No shit the owners don’t give a damn the nightmare their pets wreak on the environment. That’s cat owners to a T. If they wanted responsibility they’d have a dog. They don’t. Their cat being outdoors, off their mind, no questions asked, is the extent of their commitment. Imply they should actually maintain any

What’s the odds on it being down to anti piracy measures.

Came to post this/check someone else had

You seem to be framing me and anyone else who read Discworld as only ever having read Discworld. I don’t know why you’re trying to do that, but it’s weird and coming off as hostile. Readers read many books. They can still want more of a given franchise. I’m not a Harry Potter fan, but I know a lot of people who want

They didn’t construct a universe 30 years in the making with recurrent characters people have grown up and aged with. People want to see the Discworld continued.

She did say this a few years ago, when the writing was on the wall about his condition. This isn’t new.

It doesn’t matter what conditions are like while the bloom grows. Once it reaches critical mass, the bloom sucks away available oxygen respiring overnight and under-photosynthesising in the poor light beneath the surface.

Algae does use oxygen. It respires the same as we do. As do all plants. It just simultaneously photosynthesises and produces more oxygen than it does CO2 - when it can, ie when the sun shines, while nutrients are available - whereas it respires constantly, using oxygen. During an algal bloom, the population explodes,

Nonsense. The article contradicts itself half a dozen times over. Perhaps it’s fine for city dwellers. I live and work in the country. My clothes have mud and stains and a lot of BO on them by the time they go in. I wear my comfy home clothes for 4 days or more, they’re pretty much stiff. I’ve tried this cold thing

He sounds like my dad’s sounded for thirty years, nothing new.

It was done by the game reporting online, passively, in the background. You didn’t have to play the game online or download DLC, if your console/PC was connected to the internet it reported. This kind of data gathering is widespread since the online console era and used for all kinds of datamining by developers. From

Aquaman needs all the sexing up he can get

I binge watched it a couple months ago because it popped up a lot on Tumblr. As a 32yo man I don’t know why but I just really liked it and new episodes are a highlight of my week. The episodes are short, the tone of the show is relaxing (they live on a beach!), the themes are supportive and familial and without being

One of those stories I roll out against the “only men abuse” crowd.

Bioware released stats reported by the game online that said over 80% of playthroughs were male. What you’re seeing there is the main curse of the internet at work: the people you actually see engaging on any given subject on the internet are the loud minority, because the dull majority don’t wish to engage.

And that is exactly why it resolves into a negative stereotype. Cat people: uncommitted, uninvested, selfish. Interested in a pet only if it impacts them the least. Indifferent to the quality of affection a pet might show, and preferring indifference toward themselves in their pets. The armchair psychologist doesn’t

Cool. Anthony Burgess’s name is pronounced Antony. Like it would be outside the US.


“The panel is a visual depiction of the popular (not to mention specious and, usually, smug) cocktail party contention”