
I've said literally nothing about myself or even a single person. I'm tangentially in the social care field and I cross paths with people like I'm describing. Consistently down the years I've found counsellors of all flavours to have a limited palate in the counsel they give when they're brought into contact with a

Mm. That's a nice sentiment. For someone who's had the privilege, however late, of social success. If you've actually been doing counselling though, you'll know there are many people who haven't, for whom any social contact with single members of their target sexuality is few and far between. People like you have a

Couple problems with assertions made here:

I've tried it a few times over the years. I always hit the same issues.

I dated her because I too like ultra geeky crap. That's how we met and why we dated. But where I was tolerant of forms of the broad spectrum of "geeky" that I didn't share an interest in, along with god forbid, non geeky interests, she wasn't. She would get bored, and let you know about it, if you or anyone didn't

Cons, in general, are confusing to me. Not I nor anyone I know has ever been a fan of something enough to want to partake in that sort of thing. I mean I was a big fan of Star Trek when I was younger as were some of my friends, really big, but if you'd have asked if we wanted to go to a convention we'd all have

This comment will remain grey so this is pissing in the wind, but at least I'll know I wrote it.

There's something wrong when you want to post an intensely private affair like your proposal publicly, and there's something wrong when people want to see it.

I'm white and I'm scared of the police. I've been scared of the police since I was old enough to watch news, and doubly scared since I was old enough to experience their "serving and protection". But then I'm not a wealthy suburbanite. Every interaction I've ever had with police has been negative, including the time I

Uh... removing or disabling voice chat is a step backwards. Games never used to have it. I actually can't believe what I'm reading here, unless I've misunderstood it. At least acknowledge that it was a mistake letting everyone talk to each other because people are flawed, rather than somehow trying to make reverting

Difficult, maybe impossible to defend their narrative changes. Expected some in the transition from book to show but these are inexplicable. Become hard to discuss around women let alone defend. Not watched this season and feel better for it.

The time and effort invested (notable how often he plays this down, knowing he has to) for no gain of any kind except the knowledge he fooled people on the internet? Not even any enjoyable trolling, since the best it gets is "oh its a hoax nm". This, this is what he uses to "keep boredom at bay". You know what even


That's... that's the joke, yeah.

Because that's what those games are, there's no malice or intent. You don't fire up COD because you want to simulate murdering hundreds of people today. You want to score, intersect a crosshair on the screen with avatars and press a button repeatedly and compare how well you do that with others every ten minutes.

This was violence. One guy got shot for not doing what he was told. They'd all have got shot if they didn't cooperate. Every time this guy says "do this, please", that sneering tone of command, the way him and his posse assume control because they have guns, that's violence. Yes it's a game, but the language used and


Hilarious responses on this article from idiots and bores. I'm actually thankful you conformist milquetoasts are not either my parents or anything to do with me in general. I mean go ahead and call your son Tom and your daughter Sarah if you want to, but to do that because of your notion you're protecting them from

Tell me about it. I was a PS1 player and I've played PS2 since alpha. In PS2 I've been through 5 or 6 outfits now. I've never played a game with more shouty dickheads. Never. PS2 is the best example I've found in life of how the very people who want to be in charge are the least suited to be so. Without exception

"world champion jump-roper"