Dwarfing all of these gameplay logs in sheer popularity is rockstar YouTuber PewDiePie's Far Cry 4 playthrough, which is fittingly titled "Far Cry 4 is TERRIFYING!"
Dwarfing all of these gameplay logs in sheer popularity is rockstar YouTuber PewDiePie's Far Cry 4 playthrough, which is fittingly titled "Far Cry 4 is TERRIFYING!"
I've never watched Pewdiepie. I saw his picture once and determined I'll never want to know any more about that person. No regrets.
This. Also, almost every human interest story from China that makes it overseas (unless it's something actually important enough to fact check) tends to be complete bunk.
I saw Insane Masturbatory Rampage open for Slayer in '92.
Billy, I hate to nitpick, but I have a problem with the headline. The phrase "insane, masturbatory rampage" should be "insane masturbatory rampage." You shouldn't use a comma when the last adjective outranks its predecessor and is an integral part of the noun phrase. In this case, the rampage is not both insane…
Ubisoft: "Ugh, looks terrible. No one wants that."
Considering I played my steam copy of day z once, I could see myself doing this.
Men who expect women to be what exactly? A sex object that uses her tits to gain recognition? How brave.
Really? I came to post that while I don't wish to take away from the cosplay, a "Geek Girl" con is as gender divisive and exclusionary as it gets. I thought we were done with the geek girl moniker, to boot.
Blast Hardcheese.
Trunk Slamchest
What kind of cutlery do you have?
And basically any of those options are stupid.
wow. Great story, and I like the way you told it!
Here's how they can fix it...
I seem really sexist when I say this to certain people.
I'm aware that my anonymity is going to make this a very easy claim to dismiss, but I can't take any chances, really.