
Methane and ammonia are also lighter than air. Or just use hydrogen. It's really not that dangerous if you aren't dumb, and we can assume significantly expensive gadgets like this aren't going to be lofted by idiots.

How awfully vanilla. The dying days of internet literates raised before the internet on dull porn mags. Just wait until everyone tracked is post-internet. These lists will be unpublishable in most nations, and glorious.

My flat is 350 square foot. This one house could be 4 apartments. No fucking wonder SF is desperate for more space.

While I see your point, you're still unfair (or those doing the study are) on the theoretical partner. They're not supposed to want to fudge facts and lie and construct stories, or to thus resent their cursed partner for remembering everything. These things aren't the foundation of a good relationship that super

That's... that's the joke, yeah.

That's a little prejudiced. While I'm sure a relationship that doesn't feature let downs and disappointments is a fantasy, you don't have to expect that all partners ever will commit such egregious errors that in remembering them always, you can never forgive. There's a difference between a guy who didn't hold out

* study does not investigate the elephant in the room that after 2 years at best nobody gives a shit about the thing they feel forced to do once a month

Yes, I did. That you didn't is the case in point. Even the way the shots are framed are at work here, looking again.

She's supposed to be a teen? A contemporary of the boy? He looks like a young lad, she looks like an escort. America needs a visit from Chris Hansen.

You misinterpret what I meant. What I mean is, in thirty years after you have had time to live the ideal you profess to believe in and have tried to have a family and get on in society as a polygamist, and probably had children within that structure, come back and tell us how it all went. I'll be fascinated to hear.

That's cool. Get back to us in thirty years with your latest thoughts on it.

I don't even want to discuss something so inexpressibly smug, but one thing I just couldn't let go: what with his pushing psychology? Is he on the psychology Marketing Board? Does one person in ten thousand "study psychology"? Is that really a key to life?

Animal wildlife doesn't work like Warhammer 40K's orcs, it doesn't just spontaneously reappear out of the soil from spores centuries after disappearing. It has to come from somewhere. The fact there are beavers kept nearby pretty much dictates that is where this came from, whether they claim their beavers are

It does exist. Disinformation regarding its nonexistence is spread by SD-6 to cover up the truth, that it imparts immortality.

Only the same vulnerability to positive or negative reinforcement humans all display. Placebos, lying about sleep, being told you made a good decision, having a sexual partner, it doesn't end. Our reality is literally shaped by the input of others, whether that's good or bad. We invest other people with wizardlike

People also enjoy: American Idol. The Bachelor. How I Met Your Mother. Family Guy. The next big romcom probably with Seth Rogen in it. We will not be seeing posts about these on io9 or anywhere else I visit. I don't visit sites that cover those things. This is a Disney film. It's got princesses and hunks in it.

OK. Someone want to explain to me what the fuck is going on with the coverage of this film? I can't get away from it and I have no idea why. Disney can't possibly have the money to pay off every site. It's just a Disney film, they make them every year or so. What is the big deal. Even before it came out there were

You can catch fungal infections from seats. I caught jock itch that way. So I wouldn't be too dismissive, actually I wouldn't be dismissive at all. My jock itch persisted for about ten years.

If I didn't have a phone I wouldn't have had contact with another person for most of my twenties. I wouldn't say I'm doing great but I would say you wouldn't know it if you met me. Even now I desperately wish I could take 6 month holidays of doing nothing. Pretty dumb question if you ask me, everyone's different.

When I watch it with a friend and all we're doing is MST3K riffing off it because everybody onscreen is behaving like an idiot. Or these days, when a hiatus comes along or I have work to do for a couple weeks so we don't download it, and when it comes back on or I could technically download it again, nobody feels bad