
Forging armour is hard. It takes skill and experience, even today let alone when there weren't books and pictures. You've plainly pointed out that there were hardly any armoured women. That means no smith could have trained himself to make plate armour for women. The different shapes and sizes of each piece. All he'd

Ding ding ding: phrase "global warming" detected. Hurts everyone to use the wrong language, disappointing from NS.

I'd sit him down for a Q and A and let him draw his own conclusions. They would probably be to go through with using the knife, the last thought going through my mind as I presumably disappeared from the timeline being that I gave him the truth and didn't coerce him. I lived my life from there and I did my best to fix

We have to sleep, it can't be avoided, it's built in. Sex may be a drive, one of many, but it's isn't necessary. A better example would have been eating.

Because that's what those games are, there's no malice or intent. You don't fire up COD because you want to simulate murdering hundreds of people today. You want to score, intersect a crosshair on the screen with avatars and press a button repeatedly and compare how well you do that with others every ten minutes.

Heh. I'm sure this is all true, but consider that at one end of the year "natural light" is gone by 4pm and at the other, by 11pm. At least here in Britain. And that cloud coverage can adjust that pretty strongly; it was lighter when I woke up today than it was at midday, with these storms. Your body isn't a polished

This was violence. One guy got shot for not doing what he was told. They'd all have got shot if they didn't cooperate. Every time this guy says "do this, please", that sneering tone of command, the way him and his posse assume control because they have guns, that's violence. Yes it's a game, but the language used and


As someone who has spent the last year using social meetup sites and the odd attempt at dating, via identifying as a geek, I can say that yes, it is meaningless now. The idea of what geek means is too broad now to mean anything. I've hung out with groups of people who identify as geeks where we have too little in

Hilarious responses on this article from idiots and bores. I'm actually thankful you conformist milquetoasts are not either my parents or anything to do with me in general. I mean go ahead and call your son Tom and your daughter Sarah if you want to, but to do that because of your notion you're protecting them from

Tell me about it. I was a PS1 player and I've played PS2 since alpha. In PS2 I've been through 5 or 6 outfits now. I've never played a game with more shouty dickheads. Never. PS2 is the best example I've found in life of how the very people who want to be in charge are the least suited to be so. Without exception

"world champion jump-roper"

What's meant to be done about it? We launch stuff into space, it falls apart. Are we to stop launching things?

I've always thought it sounded suspect. Sounds just like peer pressure to me. A small percentage of messed up overdemanding overconfident over-everything people acting like it's something everyone does until everyone less psychopathic is propagandised into going along with it. Amongst my friends only one does it, and

This is what makes me laugh about biology in particular and partly science in general.

Some campaigns that come to mind right now stuck without my PC are Helms Deep Reborn, Back To School, City 17 (literally reuses Valves own HL2 maps), Splash Mountain (lower visual quality but fun especially if you've ever been to Disneyland), Dead Echo 2, Facility 13, Deathcraft 2, Diescraper redux, and one old one I

That's a really weird and idiosyncratic issue you have there. It's exactly the same experience, just on a different map. Many third party L4D/2 maps are on par with the design quality of official maps, some are particularly stand out, some use totally new finale mechanics Valve haven't thought of, some are worth the

This time of year is a killer in a literal sense.

Where exactly do you get the information sneakylawyer is either a he, or that sneakylawyer found this with their girlfriend, Lauren?

"Three or fewer units per day" is a pint of proper beer or a large glass of wine. Every day. I consider that to be a very significantly different drinking habit than not drinking at all, or drinking it once a week. I'm dumbfounded they lumped it all into one group like that on a health study, and about the only reason