
Well how long are we talking here between posting and "reading it later"? In my experience I feel pretty good about angry posts on later review within weeks or a few months, because obviously I said at the time what I thought and if I'm arguing about it at all then I'm pretty firm of conviction, feeling pretty

Well land o' Goshan, it's almost like sex is an activity you might or might not enjoy like any other instead of a fundamental aspect of life. Take some more pills why don't you.

<i>" somehow Daario manages to seem studly and awesome, while Tyrion appears a total fool."</i>

Good. I am pleased to hear it has done poorly at the box office. This sends a message that A) the "franchise" or whats left of it now is creatively bankrupt to the point that few people give a shit about it, and only if you were charitable you could add 'in its current form', and B) Abrams is also creatively bankrupt

1: The guys who did it on the site will not have known, because not to get classist, but they're construction workers. Boss tells them dig here they dig.

What's with this fashion for insisting zombies are an impossible fiction now? Is it some kind of backlash against the admittedly overused trope? If anything we have more indications now than ever before that such things can exist, if not yet for us. There are fungi, bacteria, viruses and worms that can overtly or

A fundamental aspect of fascism is militarism in all aspects of life, from government down to the individual. The Nazis would not need a war to spur military science and industry. Furthering military power and funneling science and industrial output into the military would have been a core, perhaps the core, of a

I always interpreted the Motoko Battle Lingerie as a subtle (or not so) comment on the central theme "whither humanity?" - as a 99% cyborg with a completely fabricated, modifiable and replaceable body, all of which is built like a tank, where exactly does the concept of flesh exposure and titillation fit? It isn't

And your sense of humour is severely underdeveloped, but you won't see me posting about it because who gives a shit? Except I just did. Damn. I am FULLY AWARE of the issues surrounding this topic. I really do not need people on the internet to post at me about something I prefaced with the fact I know better.

When I hear stories like this, and I say this with an ecology degree, I frankly just anthropomorphise the issue into one of stupidity and deserving to die. You know what organisms don't have complex mating requirements and eat their suitors? SUCCESSFUL ONES. If they evolved because of their uniquely nuanced niche to

A ridiculous "study". Not only does superficial taste vary between women, not only does experience (she might say it looks great until she tries a kiss, or hell, she might say it looks gross then loves that wire brush effect) but more than anything else, different men look different with them. Run a sample of already

So did the "lone exception" (or, the only individual thinker) continue eating the familiar colour even though it now tasted awful? Just to spite the rest of them? Because that's the badass I'd want to know.

These appear to have been redesigned. Presumably they're going to be the return of OG Earth Prime cybermen instead of alternate universe corporate science project ripoffs. It's about time.

I've seen interviews with the team behind the show and they aren't coy about admitting a major goal is drawing in women viewers, and romances are the way to do that. If you have a problem with me saying that, ask yourself if I'm wrong for asserting it or they're wrong for relying on such an unprogressive cliche.

This is sick. Humans are sick little fuckers. In the head. Not me, I don't mind saying, I'm a balanced individual. All the rest of y'all. You never grow up, until it's too late and you're old.

I've wondered these statistics for most of my adult life. Not least because I've known extremely few men who pay for it, so few that I wonder how on earth prostitution can exist outside of cities because the money can't be there to support it. I personally believe it's a very low figure, sub 10%, at least population

Avatar was such a barnstormingly popular movie that the curiously vocal internet hate for it sounds exactly like what it is.

Watched some of the first season at the time because I was hearing about it everywhere.

Fuck off you astroturfing lackey. And add "use different nomenclature in usernames" to your agencies handbook.

The US team drilling a nearby lake who found nothing of interest and had the backing of the US government and military trying to prevent the Russians proceeding with this drill will be seething.