
Air conditioning is also a massive power drain bringing nigh-industrial consumption into the home, generated by dwindling fossil fuels and nuclear. There will come a point in our lifetime we have to switch it off. Not yours, old man, you'll cash out ahead of the game and you won't need to explain to your grandkids why

Neither does the star you've hilariously edited into your little picture. By all means keep doling out judgements on character though

I don't find it funny. At all. It really speaks of the all pervasive ignorant nature of those "explorers" (really just sailors/soldiers hauled from the basest working class hellholes of their home country, going forth to ruin the rest of the world as they ruined their own lives until recruitment by an authority).

Since when was it wrong to judge and react to bad behaviour? How do you think we all get raised not to eat our poop, push people down stairs and throw tantrums? The opprobrium of society and our peers, is how, whether that's parents or the wider world. I see endless posts here about how men should support feminism by


What are you on about, I see pictures of ARMA 3

My informal monitoring of bathroom habits at my college has revealed to me that at least 3/4 of dudes don't wash hands after a piss and a lesser but significant number even after a shit. Until I went to college I had no idea people were so fucking disgusting and I've developed calluses (not even joking) on my elbows

I didn't see any of the films nominated. Films are shit now, there's no way to sugarcoat it. At best they merely disappoint in adaptation of books we all read decades ago, at worst they fill you with resentment for wasting your time. I don't care if the industry continues its decline, and I have to say, CGI is a large

I have to say I find article headings like this annoying. You deliberately mis-sell the content to generate misguided interest, in a very tabloid fashion. They aren't mysterious (or propellers) at all and in fact their explanation is pedestrian. I click expecting some exciting mystery and face a load of orbital

It was a rangefinding shot from Alpha Centauri.

There's a difference between absenteeism and willing to get out and play. I work across a range of parks and recreational facilities. It's become a tired cliche joke in my colleagues world to point out the one active dad to every 20 depressed and passive mums you see actually outside hands-on with their children. In

A fine, sure. Prison time, no. He's a dad helping his daughters experience the world. Not many dads do that any more. Don't punish the man. What the fuck. It's not the last manatee and he didn't break into a preserve to find it. How many murders in Florida that day? How many corporations spent a century dumping

Not really a womens issue. Just a social one. Ever heard a man talk about how handsome he is? Think they talk like that to each other? It's just not a thing people do. It's egotistical. I can't think of any circumstance where talking about your own beauty is appropriate. If you're pretty, enjoy getting hit on and

According to the Postman, it is precisely this brand of hardcore survivalist Holnists that will do more harm than good, post-apocalypse. Fending for you and yours might work in the immediate aftermath but quickly it's going to become a case of either fending for everyone civilised or turning into the barbarian

Yes I don't know what that's doing there and if it's a joke or the editor got fooled (probably the latter) but that's a famous video of a failed desert gas mining attempt that's been burning like that for many years.

Get back to us in 20 years when what this diet does to you has been revealed and the new big thing is eating insects and cutting out vegetables, or drinking acid supplements to aid digestion. We're animals and we stick whatever shit down our throats for fuel until the day we die like ambulatory furnaces. Before

The universe is teeming with life, and everyone out there takes one look and thinks we're weird. We'll be ignored by the galactic community until we stumble out there ourselves, hopelessly optimistic, and they'll be kind to our face and laugh behind their hands and we won't even know. Sometime in the mid thirties

My belief based on anecdotal evidence is that the majority of people have some degree of a mental disorder like this. Actually very few people seem to be what you'd call fully functional untroubled people. Everyone has something that fucks up some part of their life from within. It seems to me the history and practice

Except he doesn't talk about the pleasure of his work getting such exposure. He talks about meeting stars and consulting directors and merchandising. This article is patently not about the disappointment of your book not reaching a wider audience. It is about the disappointment of not becoming involved in Hollywood