
I'm a huge Discworld fan and have been since I was too young to be reading them, but I'm ready to admit that I haven't liked probably the last 6 or 7 years of books. They just aren't the same, at all, and the last one I read, whichever one it was (this is how unmemorable they have become) seemed like it was written by

While on one hand I applaud your forward thinking, I also must point out that's some awfully expensive planning ahead to make in your early twenties considering the famous problem with plans is they never survive contact with the enemy.

America has the largest standards for homes, by a very long shot, in the world. We all know about Japanese city living, but in Europe - the UK in particular, thanks to the industrial revolution - an entire flat would fit inside what many Americans think is a lounge. Kitchens in particular are ridiculously enormous

Please maintain that attitude; I spent 3 years stealing other peoples WEP secured wifi in a town apartment and only started paying for my own connection when ISP's started sending out routers preconfigured with WPA and I ran out of schmucks to steal it off. I recently moved house and what do you know, an idiot around

I don't understand your issue here. A hallmark of language mastery is understanding and using synonyms - hence 1984's reductive, restrictive Newspeak; good, plusgood, doubleplusgood etc. Are you saying you've never heard the word errant before, in which case the fault is yours, or that you disapprove of the use of an

Who knew a multinational corporation could represent in a real, literal sense the nature of the customers it attracts? Who knew such a well paid legal department could behave entirely unironically like a schoolboy? Who could foresee an entity that strains so hard to appear grown up to consumers could be so childish?

I've had a similar experience making the same remark numerous times. I realised that I picked the expression up from my dad long ago and assumed it was still appropriate when in fact it's ancient. I've struggled to find a jocular reference to suicide ever since.

You can get a lot done in a totally inhumane dictatorship run by insane egomaniacs. Scientists love endless amounts of cash for their pet projects and no ethical or environmental oversight. They don't love what happens when they get no results but they aren't around to complain long.

The British government, ladies and gentlemen.

One of the big secrets of modern society is that few things truly "ruin your life" short of disfiguring accidents. From the second we're born, in fact before that, we are all products of the vagaries of the world. Life changes around them. That's what life is. Every experience and circumstance of your childhood, not

This is io9. At any given time space wins over banks. Unless perhaps it's coverage of a Batman film.

The same guys who go on about men pissing sitting down are the ones who go on about what fingernail length is properly masculine, other peoples hairline (gelling their own to hide theirs with enough product to reinforce bridges), pretend to be bros with slang off the radio while not actually drinking, partying, or

Then we unleash a wave of snakes to deal with those mine loving mice that survive.

Yes I am being sarcastic. Well done. You certainly indicated in your post a solid grasp that this was the case.

OK so they're too light on their own to set off the mines once they home in on them. Why not go the extra mile in the name of efficiency and poor ethics, which are frequent bedfellows, and release a metric shit ton onto your minefield so that eagerly sniffing mounds of rodents cluster in the right spot, reach the

No in a "Kurt Russell torching The Thing" way

Is it OK if I found this to sound nightmarishly horrific rather than glorious? My sleeping subconscious just got new ammo for a good few years.

Funny - I got halfway through the first book before it got big and before "young adult" was a thing, decided it was tripe, and had done with Harry Potter forever. I think it's great she doesn't read and is dismissive of the very genre she made a trillion dollars generating a big pile of bollocks within before trying

I suffer it. I've also developed an inability to pee in public urinals over the last couple years. Nothing comes out. I have to leave it hours until I'm bursting then run outside round a corner alone somewhere. And I'm experiencing increasing problems with stress induced insomnia. I'm lucky to get 4 hours a night on a