
This article is biased toward a human centric model of organised consciousness.

Beyond a certain point of experience movies, TV and books cease to generate strong emotion. I suspect your problem is not that you fail to understand how people can be scared, let alone by some joke of a horror movie, but that you live a pampered, successful enough life that you haven't been exposed to fear. Did you

I'm 29 and in the first year of a three year Forestry degree course. I never went to college before now. I was hoping I would get to experience some of the college lifestyle you expect at 18. Instead what I have found is that attending college as an older adult, particularly if you're studying a serious topic at a

I'm not, friend. Studies like this are. The people committing the fouls studies like this study are. Take it up with them. I too have no problem with my own limited use of social media. We all here are awesome at social media apparently. And yet: "Previous studies have shown that the two primary reasons for using

By an astounding coincidence, Monsanto finances an awful lot of scientific research and represents perhaps the largest graduate employer in biological research.

I'm not an expert on fallacies but there must be a name for the one you just used too; that technology is just a tool with limitations. It's the same one the gun lobby uses in America. Where people get shot all the time.

Normally, who cares to? I only ever even remember that it says a name when I see one of the tells and check to see if I'm right. Some of them are subtle and take years to notice.

The examples concern editors on sites across the Internet. I said that at the start.

Yet more news about how healthy Facebook is. I predict in 30 or 40 years, when the Internet has enough culture and study behind it to have matured everyones attitude and behaviour on it past what looks for all the world like the teenage experimentation stage we're still in right now, people will laugh endlessly at our

Sometimes certain editors on multiple blog sites like Kotaku develop tells in their writing that give their authorship away before you ever saw the name. Nearly always through stale repetition and recycled behaviour. A distinctive abrasive form of humour. A consistent reference to and defense of recreational drug

"Met any teenagers"? We were all teenagers at some point. I don't care if that was 80 years ago. What I can tell you is that I found "teen romance" and in fact any kind of "teen" material obnoxious, irritating even. OK so there were no Hunger games or Twilight in my time but nevertheless I read and watched adult

Uh... what the hell do people do on the shitter that makes it necessary to take their glasses off? That's some hard straining yo.

The necessity of playing coop is why I'm not bothering with it. I'm over 30, none of my friends play videogames anymore and there's no way I'd want to drop randomly in and out of other peoples games at random stages. Meanwhile my singleplayer experience of the first game was boring - far more boring than something

"even for Mel Brooks standards"

I expect it is supposed to be Rihanna's beaten face, but I don't think it's about male power dynamics. That's overanalysing and misandric. The man is a celeb, and he is famous for one thing. He will exploit that. We're talking about him right now when by rights we shouldn't be, since his music is shit and he's a

No shit. When they start installing these in humans it's going to be a brave new world. Of immolated skeletons and stomping cyborgs. I hope these guys are working on life extending implants to install in themselves so in a few centuries they can become our last hope of combating what they unleashed.

I had not. However did I survive without enormous furry breasts in my life before now

Sorry to break this to you, since I am aware society (or rather marketers) have told you everything you just said all your life, but those things you mention do not make for adulthood. Material possessions, money and bills, a significant other. There are 14 year olds with these things and they aren't adults. There are

"Raptor specialist Jane Fink Cantwell, who dresses like Indiana Jones"

Hairy yes, ugly, who knows... under all that hair. Given her size I'd say they found a female wookiee.