
If Cali Burrito from Allentown isn't on that list, I'm going to be pissed.

Kind of looks like Donald Sterling with a wig on. Trying to avoid detection.

Leading with the head? That'll cost you 15 yards.

At least it wasn't Yobogoya. That makes everybody lose their shit.

I made it through 2 Hawk Harrelson "He Gone" calls and had to shut it off. Sorry, Deadspin, not your fault.

Intense masturbatory sessions trained him for this moment.

Thats awesome, hahaha.

Apparently Barry's cat was all over that scouting report.

Hell of a Purrveball.

My old roommate, who's also a Knicks fan, referred to your situation as a "Dumpster fire". He is also none too pleased.

I'm real happy with MCW, but I'm afraid Embiid is going to be the best player we have, and basically we have 2 young players who have basketball-related injuries in the past 2 years.

As a Sixer's fan that saw (almost) his entire team thrown away this year just to rebuild with this draft, this sickens me.

Sweet. I ran into your grandfather when I was a kid at this place called Stahley's. It was probably my first real brush with anybody famous, and I got pretty geeked up.

What's your fav place to eat/drink in the Lehigh Valley? Mine is personally Mama Nina, but if I need to tear one back I often head to Strange Brew or LST.

If you could drink one particular drink for the rest of your life (alcoholic or non-alcoholic, but cmon, let's be real here) without life-threatening consequences, what would it be? Just beer is not an answer, I crave specifics.

Don't forget HOT [Word] TAKE and BIG [Word].

Oh I'm not debating that. I recently went to a grilled cheese and beer tasting event at a local stop. They were all loaded with various versions of meats and crazy cheese, but damn if that shit wasn't tasty.

Is that even technically a grilled cheese sandwich anymore?

But a wrench ain't one?