
I was just in NY this past weekend, and now I'm kind of pissed this article didn't come out on Friday.

Pretty sad if you ask me (except for Team America, that was pretty good).

At least they provide us with awesome dash cam videos, though. What has NoKo given us?

I know North Korea is bad, but Russia is giving them a run for their money.

"No matter how you slice it, that's damned impressive."

@Arthur_affect on Twitter

Yeah I'm just about turning 30, so I'm ready for a change. And I've done the hardcore working out but still having a terrible diet thing (where I did actually lose ~30 pounds) but still had horrible blood pressure and stress levels because I still ate about a block of sodium and drank a gallon of beer regularly.

I didn't even know that this existed, and I sort of had a similar thing going. Except I only allowed myself 2 days of drinking a week (pretty good considering I was going out 4-5 days a week, sometimes more, to eat unhealthily with beers of choice) with the occasional 1 beer on another day.

I'm making a tapenade with crudites and guac with home-made tortilla chips. I'm pretty excited.

I'm not sure why I hate Joe Buck, because he seems like a pretty cool guy. I think it's just fun to hate Joe Buck.

But will he be fine?

He doesn't have a song titled "Razers Exist", after all. I think he made this decision a long time ago.

What's his son's age again?

They are the worst over-hyped microbrewery in the United States, IMO.

Can somebody give me the Telnet IP for this server?

Semi-unrelated, but I just got DayZ mod with a recent humble bundle. How is it?

There's this song that I had on my Compaq Presario from 1998-2002 which I swear was from AFI. From what I can remember it had Satan in the title, but not sure of that. I also remember a slow bridge and then speeding back up. I looked through the entire catalog of AFI with no luck tho, so I don't think it's them :(


Scratch and GIF?

I will never stop laughing at that phrase.