I am Irony Man

It’s used to implosions.

“Moore can be a raper, a pedo, a porn star, a fascist bible thumper or an imbecile, but guddamit at least he’s not a Demoncrap.”

I’m in the absolute minority, I’m sure, but seriously? Nolan’s trilogy is excessively overestimated.

Thank god for BitTorrent, right? Seriously... it’s a 17 year old platform that excels beyond any other alternative (to the point that all those Android TV boxes people are buying use it as the underlying protocol) - and the online community has mostly forgotten it

Probably because Americans are afraid of getting sued -

If I buy a movie and it’s Blu-Ray, DVD and digital, I can keep the Blu-Ray and sell the DVD right? That’s not controversial. So why is keeping the Blu-Ray and selling the digital controversial? I’ve paid for these things, and now I’m selling them.

Nah, you can though. As I said, my mother did exactly that when I was in first grade and being relentlessly bullied by a kid, and god bless her for it; that fucker never laid a hand on me again. The kid’s mom was a lawyer too, my mother gave zero fucks—her children’s safety was paramount. Today, I am a lawyer, and if

This is heartbreaking.

A standardized tattoo would be a really good idea, maybe with some sort of identifier that you could add to help point to whatever record you have filed with the state. Make the design available to tattoo artists and the public, along with a note that it will be considered gospel if you end up at the hospital. No more

Dear white voters in rural America,

Facebook Pay accepts *debit,* I corrected this above.

I had a case of mono that was better than Jumanji.

Now playing

Twitter reviews are the new “We, like, totally saw this movie!” testimonials in TV commercials.

How about “crass cash grab”? I admit, it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but I contend it’s pretty accurate.

Yeah, the fact that an actor most people still remember as “that other guy on ‘That 70's Show’” still has a job with a show Netflix could’ve cancelled overnight to no reaction, whereas they fired the star of their flagship show..... Yeah, no shady cult at work here...

The weirdest thing about the Netflix inaction: Does anybody even watch that show he’s in? What on Xenu’s green earth are they keeping it around for?

This is a long, weird response to what was clearly a comment on the adorableness of Tom Baker in his golden years. You either need more coffee or you’ve had too much.

Jelly baby? Why I’d be delighted.

Davison is a cutie patootie too, but old Tom here is simply adorbs.

As an old I remember looking forward to an upcoming film about the “Adventures of Luke Starkiller” called “Star Wars” after reading about it. They even had a little preproduction art:

On the one hand, I keep having to tell DC fans that I don’t want their movies to fail, that I actually want a good Batman, a good Superman movie.