
It was the worst! And one of the reasons I won’t go back to cons, no matter how much fun they look like (also the crowds are THICK now and oof. Claustrophobia)  I’m VERY glad the Anime scene is getting its “me too” shit out in the open with a super prominent beloved voice actor FINALLY getting called out in court for

Should have added that as a disclaimer in the original post that yes, she is indeed a survivor of a horrifying childhood in a Catholic orphanage. The “WASP” comment is referring to the general practice of the ‘respectable’ white upper class (usually “anglo saxon” usually protestant) way of giving a backhanded or foot

Cool.  Tell her to do a new topic or maybe do better research.  Lovely that she’s a lovely person and supports good things, but you can do all that, and still offensively play to tropes and Bad Old History and nonsense. Or maybe that’s just my hot irrepressible hillbilly temper flarin’ up.

Damn! I’m glad you said something. It’s like the world wide (I hope) cringe when JK Rowling started barfing out garbage about Native American wizards and how they got civilized wands from a white lady, and running roughshod over NA culture based on some like, very light research.

Obviously, Appalachia as a region and

Genetics triumphs over shitty racism (I’m glad and interested to hear that result from your friend who was tested!), I know some folks who still use the ‘title’ if you will, but of course multi racial people had to come up with any way out of exactly what you said about the one-drop rule. More power to them, and I


THIS IS ONE OF THE REASONS I REFUSE TO LIVE IN ANYTHING BUT CENTRAL AIR! We were stationed in Panama when I was a middle schooler, and the base we lived on was the one where fancy officer houses and less fancy officer houses were located. They were big ass flood proof deals where the whole house was on massive

You did it RIGHT!!!  My dad would be so proud of you (I’m proud of you too) for having the good sense.  Also this is fucking terrifying.


When I was in college 1.0 for a theater degree as a costume tech, I lived with my roomie in a scuzzy apartment complex, but the building I lived in was a very happy little microcosm of nice folks. It was the single nicest community of people I’ve ever lived with, they are relevant and...this one’s long. Because

Both! There’s a lot of cunning folk/Native American/African American overlap in Appalachian folk tradition. I have my great-great-grandma’ copy of The Long Lost Friend, and the 6th and 7th Key of Solomon (along with some books she got through the Pack Librarians...and never returned bad great-great-grandma!) she was

Here you go bringing logic into this!  We can’t have that!  On a trivial comparison matter it’s like the “no piercings/tattoos/colored hair” rules some offices try to put into place.  Bitch this is a call center, NOBODY CAN SEE TATTOOS.  Similarly if any employee of any orientation, gender (cis, trans, non binary) can

In this case at least Kim Richardson’s is a third or fourth book in a continuing line of “Appalachian stereotypes that are now novels” all of them have convoluted nonsense plots and portray Kentucky Appalachian populations as very stereotypical to ‘outsider’ accounts (Appalachia is myriad. Black, Melugion, etc

I mean...it would have saved us all from finding out JK Rowling loves doing a shit job culturally appropriating from Native American traditions, is TERF adjacent, and only performatively any kind of ally.  I love me some Harry Potter but I cringe when I remember who wrote them and how much time she’s had to wreck

“Oh damn! Is it strawberries and cream? Kid loves that shit, but keep it 0 nicotine I guess. I mean...I am a...mom? Goddamnit Jared can you please just keep his head still for like five seconds?”  Weekend at Not Bernies!
And meanwhile Baron is CRANKING just like fucking thunderheads of cotton on some custom rig and

Yes Trumperdoo.  Focus on Joe...while Liz gets it DONE and all you have is “Pocahontas”

I am both delighted by this image and punnery and also re-crying because Watership Down.

or “I see nothing. We’ll go back to the comfy room where we’ve been hiding Baron from his parents to see how long it’d be until they noticed, carry on.  I think Baron wants to play Mario Kart.

I feel for you, my mom put my sister and I in “boxes” so she could maximize her narcissistic sponging. My sister got the good gorgeous genes (she truly is very very very pretty), I got the acne, hillbilly teeth, and luxurious black moustache and the UV allergy paleness. But I was a nerdy reading indoor kid so I’d be

Hope he’s vaccinated though...could be rough.  By that age he’ll be able to get them himself.