
Why the fuck is anyone celebrating an era of unchecked wealth accumulation by a fraction of society, intense poverty for the rest of us, middle class moralizing, racism and massive voter inequity and sexism? Fuck this shit.  WE’RE ALREADY RELIVING IT FFS

Hey Adam...talk to Daisy Ridley or John Boyega the next time you think the Star Wars fandom was too much for *you* a cis white guy who plays the kind of “attractive but not conventionally so, bad boy you could maybe fix and he’d be so loyal!” sort of baddie. Rabid devotion is pretty fuckin scary. So is getting death

The US Literally represented by Pit Bull in WW1 propaganda from 1915.  The Pittie was at the time, *selected* to be an emblem of the US because of the positive cultural meaning it conveyed (watchful, a caretaker of these other foolish countries, willing to intervene if necessary, patient, all the same jazz that went

So riddle me this: Why “Pit BULL Terrier” (and their relative the Stafforshire terrier has a lot of plausible deniability as to its original working task) Yeah - they were used for cattle and hog wrangling/catch (and pitbulls still make amazing hog hunting dogs today, if given proper protective gear). Oh yeah they

You wanna see an AR open carry at a Chipotle? COME ON DOWN TO CINCY!  Would you like to unironically order a 3, 4 or 5 way? YEP. You can do that.  Why? Cincinnati is...just fucking weird.  There are people from outside the 275 belt and Kentucky across the river who have IMMENSE pride in having never been “in the city”

Ohh! A “WELL ACTUALLY” that’s actually somewhat informative! I mean the final close out comment? You could take your own advice - you don’t have to try so hard to be a salty cranky messiah. But I get it, you wanna maintain the brand. Respect.

I’ll outline the thought process for “Ohhhh if they’re not saying anything

Is there literally anything of value at all...on route 32?

Yo I know that shitty fucking town, and I know *exactly* which University this shitty-country typa asshole would have targeted in terms of Greek life and relative distance...my fuckin Alma Mater. But I think the incel ain’t do it yet because there’s two things about that University he’da seen on his little scouting

LSD is a functional purified downstream product of lysergic acid and ergotamine - LSD like effects are part of the spectrum of ergotism, but it’s more accurate to say LSD was *refined* (rather than invented denovo) from ergot fungus byproducts so you get the psychedelic effects (and other medical applications of

Oh man.  Here comes the resurgence of awful synthetic clothing - although surely this time it shall be branded as “vegan leather” Oh sweet children of TikTok I can’t wait to see how funny the figure of the moment (rich in hips and booty, some tummy is allowed to exist) will work with the ultra low rise side lace all

Can confirm that they’ll at least detain you and throw you in a cell - I had to bail out a family friend who was arrested in the NKY airport for basically being gay and talking back.  Upshot - they failed to read him his Mirandas so....that doesn’t undo the trauma for being arrested for not  a damn thing.

Oh. My. Fucking. God.  What do you think the chance they’re service dogs was? Just on an over/under?

My masters (STEM: Neurobiology/Sensory Physiology) was paid for by my fellow students as I taught in addition to my research and classwork (thanks for the admittedly very small salary I didn’t completely starve to death!) and the government grants for our scholarships. So, very few people attempt to argue that my

There are some breeds which still havent been GMO’d to require shearing and you can gather fiber for spinning via a gentle plucking process called “rooing” and the easiest way to get musk ox fiber is combing if you have a tame herd, or plucking it off various things they rubbed their winter coat off on!

Oh Daddy! What would you give me for a basket of kisses? Rushed security clearance for a position I’m wholly unqualified for and enough rope for my husband to hang himself? Sounds good!

I think the most weird logistical revelation of reading Harry Potter and realizing that like, this is a boarding school is knowing both that the most socially awkward misanthropic professor is *head of house* and probably like totally not the person a teen girl would want to have to ask if she can go to the hospital

THANK YOU.  Roth would have been perfect.  Cold and sneering voice.  Weird face.  I mean...if Noel Fielding wasn’t such a goddamned ray of sunshine and could be uglier, he’d have been the pick.  But then instead of “oops Rickman made it weirdly sexy” it would have been “Oops Noel made it weirdly adorable?”

Where do we sit on “7 years of relentless bullying starting literally day one on the TRAIN of a kid who was super fucking poor and disadvantaged possibly because said kid was besties with the girl he had a huge crush on, also sometimes just because James Potter’s bestie was “bored” for James? Just because he was on

That being said - Elect Jaida Essence Hall.  Make America Confused Again.

Meanwhile in a saner location (Discworld, ironically) there was this exchange during Nights Watch
“He asked you to shoot at people who weren’t shooting back,” growled Vimes, striding forward, “That makes him insane, wouldn’t you say?”
“They are throwing stones, Sarge,” said Colon.
“So? Stay out of range. They’ll get