
Mine is my mother, I was the “golden child” uuuunnnntil I wasn’t (if you start thinking for yourself it gets dangerous). But that didn’t mean she was going to give up trying to torment/live through/crush her kids... I went through therapy and psychiatry to deal with all the surface things/hereditary mental illness, I

The father took too it ENTIRELY too eagerly, like a Dursley family parody that came to life.  My favorite was Regency House Party because even though the inequity was HELLA present amongst the house party guests, everyone got to have fun (because we didn’t see the servant portion).  but the Edwardian house was

This is very much a hobby...it is OK to read countless pages on how to style a vintage bathroom, source replacements, and break into light nose bleeds of rage when those Canadian twins ruin something perfectly good that SHOULD HAVE BEEN SALVAGED!!!

Gold is really soft so making a whole toilet out of it would be like not possible IIRC, even if it was like not 100%.   So it’s GOT to be plating.  But that aside - I would watch a movie about a 66 year old man orchestrating a golden toilet heist.

They destroyed a 50's lilac bathroom without even thinking “We can carefully remove this for salvage” I wanted the woman from Rehab Addict to come flying through a window and devour them.

Parasol! But only because I apparently head-sweat profusely and I have bangs.

My parents were on me from teeny tiny childhood to wear sunscreen EVERY SINGLE DAY, every time on everything not covered by clothing. Because I am allergic to UV (mildly than god but the rash is GROSS). As a result my stupid pale skin is still supple and doin’ just fine (although retinol helps) and I am the ONLY one

Meanwhile my dad has been on the #holyfucktwo girlsandtheworldisahorribleplace tip for some time, as a result I am a middle aged woman capable of doing all the standard “traditional Dad Skill Set bonus* automechanic Grandfather” skill set stuff (the number of clueless dudes I have helped with tire pressure, and

Yeah this #boymom thing is going to make for a whole GLUT of miserable daughters in law...or a paucity. Not sure which we should be more scared of. Either way I do NOT miss having a MiL who thought of me as an unruly accessory (I kept my ‘maiden name) to her pride and joy .

Preach! I stupidly spent my college savings on the first degree in theater because...I had no idea what I was doing in college to begin with (I wanted to be a plumber or HVAC tech, my family insisted on college, but due to a TON of actual and benign neglect, I had no fucking clue what I was doing and falling off the

Fellow higher ed worker here...I work in a STEM department (biology!) and even though our little state offshoot college is comparatively affordable the astonishing number of kids who don’t show up to shit/try to get good grades in classes they or their parents are paying for makes me want to stuff them in a trash

My husbands debt is gone, he is younger than me, had no formal college money help from his parents, and went to a more expensive school, and lived on campus. How? Largely a swim scholarship. How did he GET that scholarship? His parents paying college savings money prices to get him lessons, equipment, club

I make...very little with a masters degree working for a public university as Biology science staff. I do highly skilled work that requires the advanced post grad education I got for free (well if you don’t count all the money you put into applying for post grad ed), but my undergrad wasn’t free and was comparatively

Christ I’d love to have your neighbors. Our lawn is the most hassle of ALL the things we do around the property because everyone in the neighborhood can see it and it’s very much a neighborhood of exterior respectability. Super manicured lawn (rarely any garden as that is “woman’s territory” and the lawn is the

We have a tiny front yard that is *slightly* less mole ridden than the others on the block (I’ve dug into it repeatedly to reduce the mowing space and increase flower space) and an impossible back yard that has to be weed whacked down to size. My husband disdains yardwork and the ‘respectability’ of a hypermanicured

Also - FINDING a person qualified to sharpen scissors now adays? WHERE ARE THEY. I have 16 people in this tiny Midwestern city that specialize in putting the samurai edge back on your fancy hand forged Japanese kitchen knife with a billion different sharpening stones, and yet I have to wait for the ONE WEEK A FREAKIN

Listen you stab them in the meaty bit JUST a little once, THEY NEVER TOUCH THEM AGAIN (kidding...sort of...I have wanted to do it). But my big swinging dick scissors are my tailor’s shears (and my favorite designer series Gingers with the pretty handles) which are as long as my forearm fingertip to elbow, so nobody’s

You got that MC1R mutation? It can happen to brunettes in similar family lines. I come from a family loaded on one side with Weasley grade red heads, but I’m brunette/dark brown and I had the same sedative insensitivity, antihistamines, pain killer, the whole nine yards. I have woken up during EVERY SURGERY I HAVE

One of our coworkers is a natural blonde with a shade of blonde so lovely and complex I don’t think you COULD get it at a salon, and she gets shit at science conferences for her HAIR COLOR (shouldn’t you be handing out swag at the product booths, etc). Like out of all the people in the world biologists SHOULD know

I got the terrible propensity to burn like a cooking lobster under the slightest amount of sun exposure AND a light allergy to UV (hives are...not a fun vacation look), and mayo-white skin, and I only got a HINT of red in the ol’ hair (it’s warm brown at best, not even auburn proper). However my cousins are both FULLY