I'm honestly surprised the first restaurant to get caught selling heroin to customers was a McDonald's rather than a Taco Bell.
Another option would be to get one of those jobs where you earn money on the Internet.
Blaming GWB for your own bad decisions? LOL!
This debate got a lot more interesting the other week when Adam Weinstein of Gawker asserted that climate change denial by some sort of nebulous class of pundit should be criminalized. At that point I don't see how being concerned about slippery slopes is necessarily ridiculous because if all that banning advocacy of…
Because "hate speech" is a slippery slope, just like "obscenity" and other abstract concepts that rely heavily on subjective interpretation. The current legal definition of 'obscenity' includes the phrase "you'll know it when you see it." Clear as mud, right? Yet obscenity laws are used to censor and legally punish…
It's an Airline company, but that's not important right now.
Yeah was thinking the same thing. The Police should just help shut down parts of these streets and allow these silly kids and their fart cans to do 16 -17 in a quarter mile.
Especially once you add-on the spoiler, graphics and StreetGlow.
If we had a drinking game for every unpainted body kit, GT-wing, or under-body neon, then we'd be dead from alcohol poisoning.
I have friends that are ex-veggies, and they feel the same, I've tried being veggie... but it doesn't work for me. Although, there are certain types of meats I can't stomach, because they make me physically ill
When I lived in Eastern Europe, I "made a friend," who was horrified when I explained (in broken Eastern European-ese) that, "In America, we don't have these." The look on his face was akin to that if someone had said to an American, "in my country, we cut our ears off."
Because we must find some pseudo-medical reason to carry on sanctioning the mutilation of unconsenting infant boys, of course.
What now? I've had one all my life and no tears. The circumcision rate in Canada is much, much lower and hey, guess what? Less infection, not more. But we have free health care...Got to tell you you can put that skin through a lot, it's designed to be there.
How does it tear easily? Sorry for the questions which you probably don't know the answers to but I live in the UK and I have only known two men to be circumcised and the rest of the blokes I know are not rolling around in pain from their infected foreskin.
People are meant to eat both plants and animals. Biologically you just are. You don't have to, and that's cool and all, but because the majority of people eat how nature intended (well, processed stuff aside) that doesn't make it an oppressive "meat culture". That's silly. Sorry, but it is.
meat culture
I would venture to say it has more to do with the fact that vegetarians tend to be more liberal (I think like 28% more likely), and liberals reported higher levels of anxiety and depression in general.
I've heard a lot of vegetarians say they're healthier.