This is what my organization does and it’s the BEST.
This is what my organization does and it’s the BEST.
WORD. My org used to do drinks after work (but we have a very buttoned up culture, so no one ever got crazy) and finally one year I convinced the President to do a nice lunch out for our (very small) staff and let everyone go home the rest of the day. It was a huuuuuuuge hit and we’ve done it every year since. Fancy…
Personally, my own reservations come from how quickly this book came about. A follow up book with her insight on the way it all went down is a great perspective and she has certainly more than earned that right...but less than a year out feels too fast for this to be a book written based on some true reckoning and…
But is that a problem? I mean...if you’re a notoriously private person with an iron tight grip on your image and personal life, if you *were* going to air something so personal you may as well benefit from it as well, no? Why is it more valid or pure if it’s done for publicity (indirect $ from exposure/hype) via an…
That was exactly what I said to my BF this morning. like jesus, homeboy, i have a feeling it was probably discomfort at the idea that you were clearly using her for your article and deliberately observing her ‘only a HS degree’ actions as fodder, not that someone living in NYC wouldn’t know what soppressatta is. for…
Succumbing to peer pressure to shoplift or make a cruel joke is kid behavior. This is not that.
Yup. I have all the compassion for whatever it is that keeps her in this cycle with this emotionally abusive (repeated infidelity is abuse, bbs) prick. I also will never be able to support or condone the choice. One doesn’t negate the other.
Accurate af.
We have a winner. Little column a, little column b, little column absolutely breathtakingly dumb with zero self awareness
What could have happened is United could have found alternate transportation for their employees, instead of telling paying customers to give up the seats they paid (not a small amount, i promise) for.
I suppose- though as others have said, the ‘twist’ wasn’t really the point. The show was about the women, their own ‘big little lies’ and that biggest one, domestic abuse. I also thought that it all coming down to him was actually pretty key— it was the eye opener for Celeste. She thought herself the sole victim and…
Aw. I liked the imperfection though. In a show that overly polished, it was nice to have some normal human element to it. Imperfect pitch and all.
UGH. I didn’t know that part. Makes it even worse. Had they been watching the stage, they would have instantly seen what was clearly confusion for him and perhaps could have stopped it before Dunaway announced, or at least before the La La Land people made it to the stage? Thereby not sullying Moonlight’s win with all…
Eh, i have some sympathy for Beatty here. i’m a nervous rambler too, and I haven’t been caught in a moment nearly anything like that. And as for the Moonlight crew not having time to speak...why did they *have* to be cut off at all? Considering what happened? Those orchestra cues aren’t preset or anything, they could…
That’s been irking me too. It’s so clear he knew something was wrong (obviously), and was on the spot, and while he was looking around trying to figure out wtf to do, she grabbed the card and read it and started that ball rolling.
John Mulaney! he’s the best.
As a person who runs a very fancy awards event, I can say with 90% certainty they do what we do, which is give out fake prop awards on stage and give them their real awards later. So my guess is she broke the prop one, but was handed the actual one backstage.
They’re silent, because they don’t know to be embarrassed. The thing that made Obama ‘embarrassing’ was that he was weak, at least in their eyes. They mistook politeness and common decency for being a weak leader.
And here you are, continuing the fight about the very topic you deem too unimportant to merit discussion. lol ok.