On the list of things adults can do with their neighbors, just for fun, practicing cheers for a yet-to-open high school comes in about 20 places behind, “orgy” and only slightly ahead of, “murdering them.”
On the list of things adults can do with their neighbors, just for fun, practicing cheers for a yet-to-open high school comes in about 20 places behind, “orgy” and only slightly ahead of, “murdering them.”
I used to read her blog along time ago and I always came away with the feeling that “Pioneer Woman” was tongue-in-cheek because she was this big city gal who married a rancher. To her, Oklahoma and living in the country was uncharted territory.
When I was a kid, I got presents from mom and dad on Christmas Eve, and then opened “Santa’s” gifts on Christmas morning. Isn’t this common among families?
well of course men would figure out a way to blame this all on women. Women are the ruiners of fun.
The indignity of having to analyze every social interaction like some woman!
Men, you’ll get used to policing your every move and living in fear of “false” accounts of sexual harassment. After all, women have learned to live with policing their every move to “avoid” sexual harassment, assault and rape. Welcome to our world. Don’t like it? Cry us a fucking river.
Yes. Liz and Iris Love were a couple in “high society”, and invited everywhere as a couple. This was when Liz was very discreet. Iris died a few years ago, sadly.
Yeah. This is the part that doesn’t sit well with me about this article. I never assume a victim is lying, but I need a victim before I can make any assumptions. I feel like this article paints the commentariat as sexual assault apologists which is mostly disingenuous.
I will not condemn a man on rumor alone.
No. Of course not. Because if they dare to think, write, post about anything other than what a self righteous blowhard thinks is worthy than clearly they are bubble heads and either dumbing down the discourse or too stupid to have any REAL, as defined by self righteous prig, discourse.
I always say that plastic surgery does not make you look younger, it just makes you look old in a different way. So you can either have wrinkles and look 50, or you can be smooth.....but still look 50. So really, all people are doing is ironing their skin into a flat sheen, they’re not actually turning back time.
Well, Ivanka, CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? I guess Robert Mueller will be finding out soon enough.
None of those things outweigh women having sex without “consequences.”
I clicked on the TMZ article and the first comment said, “For the love of God, get some help, Melania Trump.” I can’t stop laughing for some reason.
I just never got the Kerrigan as pretty thing. Those horsey teeth and her inelegance. What sealed the deal as the ‘94 Olympics and her feeling that she was robbed of a gold. Oksana Baiul skated like a butterfly. I understand the disappointment after a lifetime of work. But when you are bested by someone, it’s…
Same. But I quickly jumped the Kerrigan ship for Oksana Baiul and her swan headpiece.
So, it's okay to not help out with a task, just because were told you didn't do it correctly?
Under no circumstances should he be expected to ask what he did wrong so he can do it right the next time. That's just ridiculous, AMIRITE?
. . .or maybe he could learn to load the dishwasher right? It's not actually that helpful that he did it if she has to redo it because he did it wrong. I'm not gonna throw a goddamned parade because a dude took two minutes to throw a couple of dirty dishes in the washer incorrectly.