
Also, thank you for recognizing sarcasm.

Ugh, mine too. Elementary school me was PISSED. One kid got poked in the eye and ruined it for everyone.

You honestly think cars are difficult to obtain if you don't have a license? I could go on CL right this second and buy a cheap POS car.

They also cause suicides. Not everyone has easy access to another method of suicide but with a gun in the house, it becomes very simple to kill yourself. It's also a more successful method than most.

I know, I always think that's a bizarre argument, too. With enough time and motivation, I could get my hands on a number of illegal things (I imagine) but I don't even have a clue about where I would start to get an illegal gun.

I agree, I was being sarcastic, because versions of these points always show up. I'm not sure how you would go on a killing spree with a rock or a fork but that's what people always seem to suggest would happen.

No shit?

And this is why this can never even be a conversation. No, guns are not magic. But guns make it much easier to kill a lot of people. It's much harder to do a mass stabbing and have a lot of fatalities or a mass stoning. Most of these men had legal access to the guns they used to commit mass murder. Would they

EXACTLY. I'm not anti-gun. I've gone shooting, I'm a good shot. But I think people should have to take a class, learn how to properly load their gun, a little gun safety, and so on. There should be no gun show loopholes and you should have to track the transfer of your gun. Everybody who buys a gun should have to

I can drive illegally too. But most people don't.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people. (But much easier with guns but that's TOTALLY beside the point)

I have friends that do this. They lie about something so often that they truly start to believe it. I'll be like "No, I was there too, that didn't happen".

I'm not going to lie—I actually sort of liked that bat excerpt. I would kick the guy out too.

I get that people prioritize parts of their lives differently but those of us who work out aren't "less busy" than those who don't. I have a busy life, too. I just really care about being in shape and my diet. I have friends who say they "'just don't have time" for the gym who play 2 hours of Xbox a night. There

I hate the phrase "normal body" and "real body". If I'm not fucking real because I'm a size 2 than somebody did a hellava job on this android. I know it wasn't you, Rebecca, but people say that all the time. (Or "real" woman—even more obnoxious)

Right? I wonder what he would say if somebody roofied him. This conversation happened immediately after I told him I had been drugged twice in my life. I was "lying for attention" and had "just gotten too drunk". Never mind that I am the first to admit when I get too drunk and the stories aren't that

It was so confusing! Like, you think this is some sort of grand conspiracy? For what reason?

"This white trash bullshit"??? Are you kidding me???

There are so many idiots out there. I once had a male acquaintance that truly believed:

This is going to lead to an evening of pondering what would be on my family crest.