Sigh. Or family. I have most of the nutballs hidden so I can't see their idiocy but, every now and then, it bleeds through.
Sigh. Or family. I have most of the nutballs hidden so I can't see their idiocy but, every now and then, it bleeds through.
He can't possibly really think this. I mean, come on. It's absolutely insane. You should see how uncomfortable everyone gets if I ever mention my rape—it's hardly like talking about a freaking pool party. You are taught to keep your mouth shut. And, as I've said before, I know lots of women who have been raped. …
I JUST asked a guy friend if anyone ever asked him to "smile". He was incredibly confused and surprised it happens to women all the time. He said he would tell them to STFU. I told him I tell them to mind their own business and they tend to get huffy.
This actually happens to me all the time because I am in a field that is traditionally male. I will have men who have no specialized knowledge whatsoever in my field try to "educate" me because...a penis and wikipedia are worth more than a vagina and advanced education?
I have those people too. In some sick way, I've decided they would "win" if I delete them on Facebook so I just seethe quietly.
I hate mirrors and I blame urban legends. That's only slightly related to this thread, but I wanted to share.
I have many, many friends in this industry and all three of these stories ring completely, completely true, especially how everyone tried to handle it the correct way over and over and over.
I have several bartender friends who have been accidentally roofied when someone tried to drug a customer's drink and it was really for a bartender/cocktail waitress/bouncer.
Because if I'm drunk and drugged, I'm going to be in any shape to be shooting a gun?
I'm actually okay with this. I would totally pay more for this cup. I've been drugged twice. Neither (thank god) ended in sexual assault. Time one I had a guy friend with me that the other guys didn't know about, they bought me a drink in a brown bottle, and I didn't know any better. That would have likely been…
Yeah, I'm not sure how much more clear he could have been.
I know how to shoot a gun. I'm a great shot. I'm not going to carry a loaded gun in my purse as a "just in case". I know the statistics about killing an innocent bystander or suicide with a gun in my house and if I had a child, there would absolutely be no gun in the house.
I like heirlooms. A relative went on one of these minimalist kicks and got rid of almost all the family heirlooms. I could have killed him. Thankfully, the 2 pieces I care about most were saved but come on! I'm not saying save everything but, honestly, I want more than 100 things. And that is fine.
It's like people refuse to remember that part. His plan failed. Failed badly. Otherwise, his proportions would have been much different. He was just as much a loser in death as he was in life.
I've been seriously, seriously creeped on, occasionally in criminal ways. The most recent time was at a bookstore. If instead of coming up to me and asking me incredibly aggressive, personal questions, and invading my personal space, he had simply asked a question about the book I had in my hand? I probably would…
Yeah. Being made feel bad from being rejected and being raped are not on the same playing field. I've had both done to me. I've been cruelly rejected and my rapes were still 100x worse.
Why in the sweet hell would you want that girl anyway? I mean, come one? Like finds like. Let the two sociopaths be together and get as far away as possible.
Remember, they pointed out that women look gross naked. That was my mind blowing piece.
I'm 5'5 and extremely fit. I couldn't be under 100 pounds unless you cut a leg off. And I'm 17% body fat!
Exactly. Not being neurotypical is not the same as having a mental illness.