
Nearly got in a fight with a coworker over Hawai'i - she could not grasp that the Big Island and the state were both called Hawai'i - but that the state capital on was on Oahu, not the BI. I also had clients ask what language they spoke and what kind of money they used.

Born and raised in DC also- when I was in college in suburban Illinois (for one year, before I got the hell out) I was told very authoritatively by a fellow student that DC is part of Virginia.


There is an Austin Grill in DC. A few of them. Never been to Houston Steakhouse, though.

I also worked at this particular place (I immediately emailed my former colleague to be like DID YOU SUBMIT THE ICEPACK STORY TO KITCHENETTE?!) and would just like to note that this was not the last call that was received about eating the ice pack. There exists more than one person who would eat an ice pack over

The stupidest people who came to my movie theater were the ones who would ask what time it was and I would turn around and say "Well, sir, the giant digital clock on the wall says it's 2:15pm."

In the "I-married-a-complete-fucking-moron" category:

Polenta guy reminds me of an ex. The one that asked me to "Please eat meat while pregnant so our child won't be born a vegetarian." I, like the server, paused and waited for the laugh. There was none forthcoming. With a loud sigh, I explained that being vegetarian was a dietary choice and not genetic.

I can't decide which is more nauseating — the old ass beer or ice pack noshing.

For real, the ice pack story is my single favorite story submission ever — even more than White Tiger or any of the revenge stories.

When I picked back up and explained to her that she had eaten the ice pack but good news, it's non-toxic, she yelled at me for putting her on hold, because she is very busy and doesn't have time to wait on hold. Busy eating ice packs, I guess."

Please don't mind ellenjane. She or he is a very angry person, and religion seems to be the focus. (ellenjane also enjoys attempting to kick men off Jezebel, claiming it is "not their space.") It's rather fascinating, really, and I hope you don't take the comments personally.

I am continually impressed by this guy. I believe the best way to change an organization is from the inside so I am excited to see what else he can do to bring the Catholic church to a place of love and acceptance.

I am an athiest so don't have a valid opinion. But it seems like this Pope is Pope-in' the hell out of his job—and the world has needed a good Pope-in'.

I'm also a liberal catholic feminist woman. Educated by the Sinsenawa Dominican sisters (basically progressive hippies). I don't leave the church because much of it still speaks to my soul & change never comes from outside. You're totally not alone.

I'm Catholic* and really love this guy and REALLY REALLY hope nothing bad happens to him because of this.

Bats are really quite sweet and necessary to the ecosystem! Don't handle them, though; rabies. Get a professional.

Seems owls aren't that good at defining prey size - saw a dog get attacked by an owl in a local park once, which was amusing since the owl was a tiny species and the dog was a very solid breed, something like a small sheep. No damage to either party, happily.

Frozen did a pretty great job. As did Tangled. I think that also discounts how even a change of race without a change in story can be progressive. I grew up with Mufaro's beautiful daughters, which is a Cinderella/African folk tale mix that was wonderful to have as a kid. I don't think it's that hard. Fairy tales are

Have you read The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter? She retells fairy tales and reimagines the women's roles. They still sometimes get a happy ending, but with more (usually creepy) control over their fate. The stories are fairly brutal, so you experience the women's suffering rather than the superficial storytelling