What was the Cosmo article?
What was the Cosmo article?
The statistics are the same as they are for every other crime. You don't ignore arson victims because some people burn down their house for the insurance.
Same here, raped twice, reported zero. First time I was so drunk I couldn't stand, was literally covered in vomit, and apparently kept repeating "I just want to go home". The next day the guy said he "felt like a rapist". No shit? Because you are one. He drove me home. I only told 2 of my friends, both of whom…
There are men's sights that want to repeal the age of consent. Not because of a 17 year old dating a 15 year old but because the 30 year old wants to date the 15 year old and "mold her". That's predator speak.
Also, nobody has ever said a woman can't be a raving misogynist. If a man doesn't subscribe to MRA propaganda they are a "beta" "mangina" who probably "white knights". What a "white knight" is seems to vary based on definition need but not subscribing to "bros before hos" seems to be the main qualification.
I realized that after my 15 minute edit window was over. I would like to see a citation on that.
I called my mom to tell her about this "trend". She said I wouldn't have been allowed to go to that kid's house because there would have been no way in hell she was picking me up at 10, why even bother. Thanks, mom!
YES! And the neverending visits to the ATM! What a terrible game that was. "There is a SALE in the SHOE store".
Somehow I convinced my parents to buy me Mall Madness, even though it was like super expensive. I totally forgot about Girl Talk.
Also, this is such a happy thread of memories. I love it.
It's nearly impossible to explain the concept to some men that there is no point at all in reporting in most instances. Why? So I could be victimized again? Women are fully aware that if they did ANYTHING that could place the blame on them—they were willingly on a date, they invited the guy into their house, they…
For someone who keeps asking for citations, I would love to see a legitimate citation that says women are rapists in 60% of rapes.
Actually, I do agree with you on those points. Good points.
I'm actually sympathetic to some of the issues!! But they follow it up with things like the idea that men get raped as often as women do. Come on.
You could find citation after citation after citation for that. Going through MRA and PUA blogs is soul-damaging.
And men who disagree? "Betas". All "betas".
I know a lot of girls who have been raped ("date raped" if you will). I don't know a single person who even went to the police, much less anyone who had a trial. I don't think it's hyperbole.
I KNOW! Can you imagine the mockery of the kid who's parents attempted this? I loved sleepovers. Gossiping/eating terrible Little Caesar's pizza/drinking suicides/watching terrible movies/not sleeping—sleepovers are one of the best parts of youth IMO.