
Not totally related but I'm always amazed at how much MRAs complain about paying for dinners—Most feminists agree that men shouldn't have to pay for dinners. How is this a top 5 issue? I've never assumed a man is paying for dinner and always offer to split or buy every other round.

Exactly. I have one MRA friend who legitimately cares about custody issues and is active on that front. The rest—and I've known quite a few because of MRA friend 1—seem to whine about the fact they don't get laid enough or by hot enough 19 year olds. I know a rapist who constantly complains about being afraid of


I have an honest question. When people tan themselves orange, do they not see the orange when they look in the mirror or at pictures?

I hit puberty very young. I've been aggressively harassed since I was 10 years old. I'm amazed at the things some people will say or yell from cars. This story not only seems true to me, it was terrifying. And it's terrifying that nobody did anything.

DC has made me a thousand times more aggressive for exactly the reasons you state.

I'm right there with you, sister. I think a 20+ year age difference is gross and the idea of a 17 year old and someone over 30 horrifies me.

No surprise at all. And it would be nice if vitamins were actually regulated. Also, only 1 vitamin is typically produced in the United States, the vast majority of vitamins come from China—in fact, China has a monopoly on Vitamin C production. So while Nature's Made says it's made in the US—and I'm sure the little

No kidding. I always assume the people on the train are on the "do not fly" list. Or, at least, that's what it's seemed like on every train ride I've had the misfortune to be on.

People who grab my hair when they get up or walk by the seat throw me into a rage that burns as brightly as a thousand suns.

Congrats!! It's always great to hear stories like that. Honestly, you don't have to spend hours in a gym to see change.

I LOVE jumping rope. It's amazingly good exercise. I even do it outside where people look at me funny (I don't care, at least I'm in shape).

Between Jenelle and Tila there is a lot of ick in this report.

He's a useless troll, no point in engaging.

Exercise inside then. There are plenty of workout routines online for free. Not all exercise is running. Look, I don't care if you work out or not, it just seems like most people are full of excuses for why they don't work out, and then they spend hours online/playing video games/watching tv. Frankly if you are

Considering the freaking out about the idea of 45 minutes of exercise a day, I don't think Jezebel is the best source for exercise advice. I love the snarky "It must be nice to have the time to work out" that I regularly get. Most people waste that much time on other things, such as fucking around on Jezebel or

RIGHT! When she got that text message I was amazed—and she kept going back to that piece of shit and he kept treating her really badly.

Is Chelsea the one with the useless boyfriend and the dad that pays for everything?

I can tell you that between all these threads, I think this MRA jackass could stand to be sterilized. For someone who hate reads, he really loves giving Jezebel the $$$ through clicks.

I think there should be a law that you can't upload a nude picture without the nude person's written consent.