
Killed four people and put another in a wheelchair for life. It was unbelievable that he was given only probation, but he couldn’t go even two years without breaking that. This is one of those times when rich people privilege is just blinding, but I’ll bet up to a dollar that even after fleeing—even after a search

It’s not enough for him to (finally!) go to jail. I want the mother charged too.

So happy to hear that little douche was found. I thought his defense was b.s. when I first heard it and he deserved the book thrown at him. Mom is just as bad.

enthusiastic accessory to murder

Okay! From Snopes:


*incoherent rage noise*

They’re not wondering. They’re bitching. They really object to nonwhites exercising their civil rights. Anything constitutional done by POC is a terrible thing . . . especially when it inconveniences a portion of the white community.

And idiots wonder why there is a movement fighting for the recognition that black lives matter

McGinty sat there and fucking blamed the entire thing on Tamir and excused his police force for every one of their crimes. Fuck him, fuck the Cleveland DAs, fuck the Cleveland cops who haven’t spoken out on this, and fuck the Justice Department for not arresting the murderer themselves by now.

“’I can’t tell you that you can play the whole game without violence – that’s not necessarily a goal of ours,’ Howard told The Guardian.”

Then you didn’t intend to make a Fallout game.

I know a white male who saw the movie and was completely disgusted that a woman and a black man were the leads. He's a complete fucking moron.

Geena Davis’ life mission is now exactly this. JJ Abrams has said that he thought of her when handling crowd scenes and the Storm Troopers, as well as keeping in mind how little girls would respond to Rey. At least someone is listening.

Some white men will be. And we’ll all be happier for a space they avoid.

I've already seen it twice and plan on seeing it again. I will gladly hand over my money to this franchise as long as they keep churning out good movies.

It’s almost as if, when you make a movie that is good and that has women and people of color in key roles, women and people of color will go see it and white men won’t be scared away either.

Ever heard of the sunk cost fallacy? Sometimes it’s better to just cut your losses.

Not surprised at all that CNN didn’t take her off the desk for the rest of the day just because her brain stopped working for a bit. Otherwise they’d have to fire Don Lemon.

Um, maybe you’re the thirsty one David Spade. Nobody gives any sort of fuck what you think about basically anything.

And a lot of people I knew called them tapes anyway. Always irked me.