
Always love when people see something that they don’t understand, and immediately jump to the cheating conclusion.

This American Life did a story about a guy who cloned his pet bull. While the bull had the same DNA and looked just like the original, the cloned bull ended up with a different personality completely. I’m not really in favor of cloning pets, particularly when there are plenty of homeless animals out there, but

I'd much rather adopt a new dog and give it a home than to spend a shit ton of money to clone my previous dog. We already have too many unwanted animals, so I'm not a fan of this. I also feel the same way about orphaned children.

When our dogs die of a fatal brain tumor we pay a lot of money to create a genetically identical dog from the dead cells of the first dog.

I had a cat who passed away a few years ago. He had been part of my family since I was in elementary school. But it would never occur to me to try to clone him. One thing I like about each pet is the different personalities.

When I was growing up my parents went to the local pound and got us a dog. We loved that dog. Then, when he died, we went and got another dog from the pound. While it didn’t make us forget our first dog, we loved that dog too.

Some time prior to Rebels.

You kind of said everything that needs to be said on this subject.

She’s an asshole.

Way less than 5% of the known universe use Fahrenheit or Celsius. Most of the known universe is void and inanimate so it doesn’t use either. Want to be pedantic? Fuck you.

“And anyone who really believes in a random internet video without proper examination...”

Yes, this article written by an American on an American site featuring a video filmed somewhere in the United States of America is using Fahrenheit.

This. Their rhetoric has been babies are literally murdered and sold for parts by planned parenthood. They claim it as fact and have doctored and manipulated footage to try and convince people of it.

This guy is as mentally competent as any other cold-blooded killer. He was handed a combination of fear, hate, blame, and the means to turn it all into violence.

All of these methods.

Actually, if you think about it, having a baby is the most feminist thing a woman can do, because it is the ultimate expression of being a woman.

Oh, of course. My favourite bullshit argument for these places is always "Well, you should have waited until you were married!" Because everyone knows EVERY wedded couple HAS to want children, right? That ring on a woman's finger immediately makes a woman both financially capable of caring for a child, mentally and

...but I'm so confused. I thought we were trying to return to the morality of the good old days, when women stayed at home in the kitchen where they belonged and bred babies, cause that's what Jesus wants womenfolk do. You mean... even under strict fundamentalist, idealistic notions of faux-morality, women might still

Oh if only these women had access to crisis pregnancy centers back then! Surely their pamphlets and slut shaming could have ended all of this!

Leech in vagina