
It was an example, dumbass. I’ve been to both pro and college games, but that’s immaterial. Your claim, unless you want to backpedal now, is that nobody goes to ball games for anything other than the actual game itself, and that halftime shows, cheerleaders, and whatever else are pointless. That word “nobody” is key,

You’re literally telling me that I and people like me are wrong for enjoying marching bands and cheerleaders. I think I know better what I enjoy than you do. That being the case, I will quadruple, quintuple, and sextuple down on it until you either realize your position is untenable or give up and go away.

...you actually commented to tell me I keep commenting. LOL that’s awesome. HAHAHAHAHA OMG.

If I wasted time reading back through this string of comments it would mean I cared way too much about a pointless internet conversation. Seriously dude, go outside, get some air.

Not my fault you don’t know how to clean a toilet. Take a life skills class or something.

Work more. Surf less.

Tale as old as time. Closeted gay person deep down is pissed that other gay people might be living their lives and doing what/who they want, so he acts like a complete assface instead of just being honest with himself and the world.

Um, if you offered them use of your private property in exchange for money, and they already paid you? Then yes.

Stupid is replying to internet comments 2 months ex post facto.

No, people go to football games to watch people do stuff. Players do stuff. Marching bands do stuff. Cheerleaders do stuff. In my analogy, the football playing is the steak and the cheerleading is one of the side dishes. I’m not sure if you’re being willfully ignorant, trolling, or just stupid.

“Brake fade” my ass. Bubba got mad that squiddie made him work for his donuts that day and he lost his cool. The judgement is just.

Some people go for the whole experience. If given a choice between one restaurant that’s going to serve me a steak, baked potato, and veggies, and one that is just going to give me the slab of meat, I’m going for the full meal. And if MeatPlace tries to justify it because “People are here for the steak, not those


Huh. I always thought this was Bernie Wrightson’s job.

I’m betting Stewie was involved in this...

Now playing

Granted, this is a problem that both democrats and republicans are happy to ignore because it’s one they can’t really refuse to solve.

Exactly, that was the key bit for me.

Now playing

Hell, I learned about this when I was just a kid watching a Jimmy Stewart movie on a Sunday afternoon.

Nono, it’s -bottom- comment.

My gloomy thought was that this was his daughter that had died and he brought back digitally.