Ah now it all makes sense. Luckily he has you to guide him through this new gustatory world. :D
Ah now it all makes sense. Luckily he has you to guide him through this new gustatory world. :D
If you think “becoming better people” sounds cheesy, it probably means that you need to become better people.
Never had summer sausage? I don’t understand these words.
We can be friends.
Heh, I’m always over-prepared. I think it comes from a combination of an unlucky life and growing up poor.
I’m that classy person that would have side-stepped this whole thing by having half a summer sausage and a zipper bag full of Ritz crackers in my carry-on bag.
Yes, because somebody needs a silencer for their 92fs the same way my mother needs a wheelchair ramp to get into the post office.
I say put them all on an island and let them punish each other.
I was thinking more of a Rob or Chad.
That’s not a bow, it’s a glorified slingshot. The very thing that makes a bow is the fact that the energy is stored in and released from the BOW, not the string.
When he catches the falling wall and she sees him without his mask for the first time.
That cat was the best thing about Sabrina.
No, the WORD “socialism” is unpopular. If you ask people if they like non-privatized fire departments, police departments, roads, air traffic control, properly funded public schools, public utilities, etc., people like them just fine.
Forced arbitration is bullshit.
Cthulhu fhtagn!
It’s in my nature to fart as loudly as I can because it amuses me, but I don’t fucking do it at work or around other people.
Same. I’m pretty sure it’s the fiber. When I eat a low fiber meal, like meat and potatoes or pasta, it sits in my stomach for hours. When I eat a high fiber meal, my stomach empties out a lot faster. The fiber gives your digestive system something to grab onto like handles, to move down the line.
“Nothin’ sets off the flavor of a steak like some ketchup.”