

I love how these assholes keep flinging around the word “choice” like it’s some magical thing that makes everything better, completely ignoring the concept of inelastic demand. Oh, and it’s especially ironic that they love “choice” unless it pertains to a pregnant woman.

No clarification needed. I heard you loud and clear the first time, douchebag.


Also, Dr. Fate’s helm is one of the best defense cards in the second Cryptozoic DC Heroes card game set.

Taking human beings as a whole, yes, cheating “happens” but so do things like theft, murder, shitting on the seat of a public toilet, etc. And there are fucking plenty of human beings that DON’T do these things. Citing the behavior of a fraction of the group of which you are a member in no way excuses your behavior as

Because science. Rape-ublicans hate science.

Ah now it all makes sense. Luckily he has you to guide him through this new gustatory world. :D

I’m sure Ms. Bellucci would appreciate you reducing her to a body part.

If you think “becoming better people” sounds cheesy, it probably means that you need to become better people.

Never had summer sausage? I don’t understand these words.

We can be friends.

Heh, I’m always over-prepared. I think it comes from a combination of an unlucky life and growing up poor.

I’m that classy person that would have side-stepped this whole thing by having half a summer sausage and a zipper bag full of Ritz crackers in my carry-on bag.

Yes, because somebody needs a silencer for their 92fs the same way my mother needs a wheelchair ramp to get into the post office.

I say put them all on an island and let them punish each other.

I am cautiously optimistic that this will be the point that DC finally turns things around on the silver screen. I hope I didn’t just jinx things by saying this.