
I was thinking more of a Rob or Chad.

That’s not a bow, it’s a glorified slingshot. The very thing that makes a bow is the fact that the energy is stored in and released from the BOW, not the string.

When he catches the falling wall and she sees him without his mask for the first time.

2/10, needs better grammar.

That cat was the best thing about Sabrina.


Same reason I hated the Clans in Mechwarrior.

One of the big problems with the Jaguar was lazy and/or rushed devs who figured out they could use the 8-bit IO processor to run all or most of the game, leaving those five 32- and 64-bit processors dormant. It would be like having a speed boat but only getting around on a trolling motor.

No, the WORD “socialism” is unpopular. If you ask people if they like non-privatized fire departments, police departments, roads, air traffic control, properly funded public schools, public utilities, etc., people like them just fine.


I know I sound like a broken record here but IMO the only DC character Ryan Reynolds should play would be Booster Gold. He would be effing perfect for that role.

Forced arbitration is bullshit.

Cthulhu fhtagn!

It’s in my nature to fart as loudly as I can because it amuses me, but I don’t fucking do it at work or around other people.

Ah that must be the one. Faulty 20 year old memories, ya know.

I may be remembering wrong but IIRC I got a Darkhawk comic years ago that had an actual plastic gem on the cover...so I had to put something stiff between it and the book in front of it so it wouldn’t leave a dent.

Same. I’m pretty sure it’s the fiber. When I eat a low fiber meal, like meat and potatoes or pasta, it sits in my stomach for hours. When I eat a high fiber meal, my stomach empties out a lot faster. The fiber gives your digestive system something to grab onto like handles, to move down the line.

Now playing

“Nothin’ sets off the flavor of a steak like some ketchup.”

One big market for a cheap phone like this is more and more travelers are getting semi-disposable pay as you go phones when they reach their destination rather than using their smart phones.

Plus I could text without looking at my phone, which you can’t do with a touchscreen.