
I ask myself that question every time I see his fucking face on the news again.

Kudos for having the intestinal fortitude to be in James O’Queef’s presence for more than a few seconds.

*thwows you to the gwound woughly*

I didn’t want to give them my real name and end up in Guantanomo or something, so I signed it “Yusuk Madiq.”

Fuck this whole family. Except maybe Tiffany. I don’t know much about her but she might be okay.

Yeah except that argument loses all credibility when all he had to do was let go of the kid.

Nice to see Vasquez Rocks is still getting play.

I really need to finish 2061 at some point.

He played that character with such depth. His arc sent me on such an emotional rollercoaster.

I know him as Simon, the genre-savy quiet one of the group in Misfits.

Yet another case of backpfeifengesicht.

On the one hand I’m glad that the right wing finally found a line they wouldn’t cross but on the other I’m disgusted that this is how low that line is.

You beat me to it.

Now playing

Also people seem to repeatedly forget that he’s not at full strength because he’s busy using his force powers to keep his guts from spilling out of a hole in his side made by a Wookie bowcaster. Wookie bowcasters make big effing holes.

Please bring back Alan Silvestri for the score!

My therapist told me last week that while he’s glad I’m keeping well informed, I need to back off a bit and do some meditating and looking at kittens or whatever. Balance. I know he’s right but honestly I haven’t changed my behavior yet. -_-

You keep leaning hard on straw man and false dichotomy. Throw a little ad hominem in there too. Precisely what statement have I made that makes me a “raging anti-capitalist?”

That’s the most verbose false dichotomy I’ve seen in a while. I wonder if you A) know how much the average CEO makes compared to the average worker and B) think that ratio is actually justified?

OMG yes, or several people, even better!