It has recently come to my attention that Kristen Stewart has coauthored a research paper on artificial intelligence and I would love it for all of you to be aware of it as well.
It has recently come to my attention that Kristen Stewart has coauthored a research paper on artificial intelligence and I would love it for all of you to be aware of it as well.
Does this video exist elsewhere? I can’t get it to play.
Thetans don’t get angry; they get operating.
If he comes out of the tower and sees his shadow, we get four more years of fascism.
Yiannopoulos’ Facebook post includes allegations, not previously reported or since verified (in fact, university police have flat-out denied his claims), that protesters threw the aforementioned barricades at police, and attacked people attending the event with “bags of feces” and sprays of urine.
They gave him about 3 seconds before they bum-rushed him. The guy was probably terrified and it takes more than 3 seconds to process an order when you’re freaking out that you might die. And screaming the order doesn’t help.
These white tears are required for the secret white genocide potion, we must collect them at once.
I read every single one of these and about 90% of them are based on ignorance or flat-out wrong facts, like thinking undocumented workers are net-takers. In fact, since they can’t file for tax refunds but still pay taxes, they are net-givers. Not to mention they do work that few Americans are willing to do.
The answer is both simple and doable.
“War. War never changes...”
Even Washington state has them.
Found it!
I’m pretty sure I saw this years ago in one of those “reality” shows where people pitch product ideas to someone, I think Mark Cuban maybe, and if he liked the idea he’d help them manufacture/promote it.
They have everything now—Executive, Legislative, and soon Judicial branches. I wonder who/what they’ll blame in 4 years when this country is totally fucked.
Dying in prison is exactly what needs to happen to him.
If I ever accidentally ingest a hazardous household chemical, I can just use this picture to induce vomiting.