
This, completely. I am often afraid to mention how I feel about this which is, to me Isreal seems to be like the bully kid on the street that runs and hides behind their father’s/uncle’s/big friend’s pant leg if any of their victims try to fight back. I have to wonder how they would behave towards Palestinians if they

This isn’t the woman’s first crime. Previously she robbed a bank but was apprehended when she crashed into a fake tunnel painted on the side of a large boulder.

We got here because of Fox News and the anti-intellectual movement of the right wing. Since facts don’t support their side, they have waged a war against facts and critical thinking for over twenty years.

“...The parents of the girls either want both of them to be reinstated in the private school or to receive $65,000 each for tuition.”

There’s no such thing as a “white race” or any race for that matter, you stupid worthless piece of trash.

What really makes me angry is miserable excuses for human beings like this live to be 83 while really great, kind, intelligent, etc. people die so much younger. Fuck this.

Huge flaw here: Assuming that our current model is a democracy. We’re actually in a plutocracy or oligarchy. If people are in favor of tearing the current system down, just because we _call_ it democracy doesn’t mean much.

*looks at graph*

such hair

-Hillary consistently polls dead even with Trump
- “Hillary will win!”


Except he polled consistently better than Trump by double digits and Hillary polled in a dead heat against him which, oh look, is exactly how it turned out!

This sums it up pretty well:

Still feeling smug and entitled, “Sweetie?” I pointed all this shit out back during the primaries but the DNC and rabid Hillary supporters like you were immune to facts, and now there’s no telling what is going to happen to this country. Congratulations, “Honey.”

I kind of feel like people still undecided at this point are almost as much garbage people as solid Trump supporters.

I can almost guarantee you that if this creepy motherfucker hadn’t been born into wealth he would have no money now and an impressive prison record.

I like the three dildos on the left. Two is apparently not enough for persecuted Christians.

Ya gotta understand, most of these douchebags are generally not happy in their lives, so the idea that they are playing the game of life on easy mode on top of that is just hard to swallow, so they fight the concept with every ounce of poop in their diapers.

I almost referred to Anthony Weiner as a giant hairless meerkat but then I remembered I actually like meerkats.