Because I can’t afford to go to France.
Because I can’t afford to go to France.
I chose “Surf Sport” because “Beach BBQ Schlub” wasn’t an option.
Right? I wiped out the first two seasons in a few days. :D
It’s getting more and more difficult to tell the real show and the spoof apart...
This low forehead early hominid thinks that just because he can use tools and create fire, that he must be clever enough to fool the public into thinking he’s not guilty. Piece of shit.
Oh no, dear. Just no. no, no, no.
Damn it, you beat me to the toe-ast. Oh well, I still have bar-be-qwah.
Tell her your wristwatch keeps away tigers, and point to the lack of any tigers in the area as proof. This is the “logic” she’s using.
It has begun:
Bless your heart.
Non sequitor. Since you aren’t addressing my actual argument, I guess there’s no point in continuing.
Okay but guess what? That doesn’t refute my original point that independents hugely favor Sanders and therefore Sanders is the stronger candidate in the general election.
Um, you said they PREVENT most voters from participating.
I don’t know what caucuses you’re talking about because the one I participated in was open to everybody. As for political parties making their own rules, that is irrelevant to the original issue which is electability. If one candidate always does better when independents are allowed to participate, and independents…
Yes but a lot of those older people are disgusted with stereotypical politicians and have gotten over the Faux News anti-socialism sentiment because they see him as honest and sincere, something they don’t think has existed in politics for decades. In my local caucus, easily 30-35% of the Sanders supporters were over…
Interestingly, three million is the number of independents who couldn’t vote in the closed New York Primary, and independents overwhelmingly support Sanders over Clinton. But we don’t talk about independents here...
What can they say other than “socialist!” when it’s been demonstrably proven that modern voters aren’t terrified of that word anymore? If you compare their voting histories, Sanders has been on the right side of history in almost every case, with Clinton voting on the wrong side or sometimes BOTH sides?
Clinton’s past and voting record provides a ridiculously target-rich environment for GOP attacks, meanwhile Sanders has been consistently fighting for the people for 30+ years. About the only thing Trump could attack him on is “OMG SOCIALISM!!!1!one!” and people terrified of that word have been slowly dying off for…