You know, it’s kind of hard not to suffer some level of “Liberal smugness” or disdain when this is what the other side has to offer. Jesus.
Well hey, they had gained a bunch of weight back...
I use the phrase with a nearly completely opposite goal from the one the professor suggests. For example, in a situation where one might say, “You always take me for granted,” which is accusatory and would cause the other person to be defensive, I will instead say something like, “I feel like I’m not appreciated.” The…
“...What if we’re for a minimum wage hike to $11-$12?”
Please let her sue, and please let her win a huge punitive settlement.
15 months is a fucking joke. If he’s too old to survive the sort of prison term he SHOULD get, then he should be stripped of ALL his wealth and assetts. Let him live in a tiny rent controlled apartment and subside on food stamps like many others his age are forced to do.
How meaningful are those votes when many of them come from closed primaries where independents can’t participate?
So you’re saying that the independents in that state, that outnumber the Democrats, as well as the 120,000 people whose registrations magically got changed from Democrat to “other” couldn’t possibly support Sanders?
The way the electoral college works, the Republicans tend to get the electoral votes in most of the states she’s won in. It’s a winner-take-all for each state except Maine and Nebraska. So unless a LOT of people in the south change their voting habits this year from Republican to Democrat, those states at the bottom…
She wins in states where they would rather vote for a right-winger who is in prison than vote for the democrat. How does this work in her favor???
Starring because disagreeing respectfully seems to be a lost art around here lately.
Um, that’s two states. Look at the rest of the map. Are you trying to tell me that two states will make up for the fact that most of the rest of the states that she won reliably go red in the general election?
Any superdelegate with a brain stem should look at this map, in addition to poll after poll that shows that Sanders does better against EVERY Republican candidate than Clinton does, and conclude that Sanders is the better choice to support.
That’s not what I’m saying, I’m saying that people keep talking about “electability” without paying attention to the electoral college.
Here’s another thing that boggles my mind: Almost nobody seems to be talking about WHERE the candidates are doing well. Can anybody who actually understands the electoral college system in America honestly look at this map and still think that HRC is “more electable” than Sanders against a Republican?
According to the NY Times it’s 1668.
Since democratic primaries are not winner-take-all, why the hell do we even talk about who “won” or “lost” a state, especially when it was by a few percentage points? It’s currently 1441-1198 pledged delegates, with 1668 delegates still up for grabs from states that haven’t voted yet.