
Let’s try to get some perspective here: Zoos are way better than circuses. Zoos are often working with conservancy in mind and in some cases are helping endangered species stay in existence. Zoos don’t force their animals to do tricks and they try to keep their animals comfortable in environments designed to give them

A waiter was taken aback when Cruz sent away the Chilean Seabass and demanded some Campbell’s soup.

Liking and/or dressing as a sexy character does not invalidate the wish for there to be more characters who are not sexualized.

It’s Billings. I had the joy of being stranded there for around 11 hours once and from my experience this is NBD for them.

I think a lot depends on where you live and if you bathe in the mornings or evenings (or both.)

I’ve always kept tampons in my apt. and a wastbasket next to the toilet. Seems pretty short sighted not to keep something so obvious around, just like you would bandaids, extra light bulbs, vacuum bags, etc. Then again, I guess lots of be-stubbled toddlers out there also have fridges with nothing but condiments and

I’m just amazed that people this stupid know how to use a computer.


At my table at my local caucus, there was only one male around the 18-24 age range, and he was undecided. The Sanders supporters were fairly evenly split between men and women and ranged in age from 20s to 70s, and both our delegate and our alt for Sanders were women. Also my mother supports Sanders and she’s 66.

Anyone who thinks this is new has never been to an Iowa truck stop.

Don’t blame it all on them, Zach Snyder has to take a fair amount of responsibility here.

Hahah fuck you.

I would rather have to reaffirm in order to have the option of just allowing the marriage to dissolve if things were bad, rather than having to go through a nasty divorce. I watched an abused friend’s divorce get dragged out to two years by an unwilling spouse who kept purposefully missing court dates, firing lawyers,

Just sucks/is awkward by nature. The limp free arm and lack of full hip rotation on the swivels is a dead giveaway.


Yet another case of completely ignorant person trying to use animals as some sort of “proof” of their point while simultaneously being unaware of the fact that dozens or even hundreds of species prove them wrong.

Fair enough.

She was emulating a male stripper. I don’t think I’d find that sexy either, but that’s just me. I think she did a nearly flawless job.

Well...at least he’s not John Mayer?