
This Saturday night, I raise my glass to Draven Rodriguez. You brought so much joy to countless others with your unforgettable senior portrait. I'm sorry that so many people were not able to give you the happiness that you were able to give to the world. I'm sorry that so many others failed you and were not able to

Aw, shit, dude. I'm going to dig around my childhood closet and become the coolest god damn guy in the world.

Was anyone else one of those uber-sensitive kids who ascribed feelings to their toys and stuffed animals? I used to play with all of my toys on a rotation because I was afraid of hurting their feelings. I kind of did that with my clothes too - I would feel guilty if I didn't wear my red shirt for a while because I was

This is terrible but I was 4. My mother was pregnant with my brother and the hospital had these classes for kids that were about to become older siblings. We got to put on scrubs and go to the nursery, etc. Well, we proceed to visit the new babies and the nurse holds one of the babies up to the window for us to see

I was 8 years old when I went into my parent's bedroom one morning while my parents were still asleep and saw my Dad had a boner. I totally freaked out, woke my Mom up by dragging her out of the bed, and called 911 because I thought it was a chestburster from Aliens.

My narcissistic mother in law still wouldn't "get"this. She would find some way to be like OH YOU WANT TO BASK IN MY BITTERNESS WELL WHO IS BITTER NOW YOU ARE HAHA

Perhaps they'll even blame their relationship problems on her.

No, that's not a good way of handling it. That just spreads more pus around. And no doubt her inlaws are now concerned about who's joining their family.

If you're a grownup (and if you're getting married, you should be one of these) and you don't want to invite people to your function, don't. That's it. Full stop. If


There's nothing wrong with her body, that's how a 47 year old body looks, if you're lucky and have very, very good genes. Why people should continue the myth that beautiful = young I don't know. Because as a species our window of youth is relatively small, and we'll be old far longer than young. That's a long time to

Especially the part where you have to get completely naked to pee?

Nice. Lace placement on that one kind of looks like a period stain though. :P

Stories like this hit me so hard. My sister has a brain injury caused by a lack of oxygen (weird, freak accident... no drugs, no alcohol, in no way shape or form her fault)

If this was around 1993-94, I was also in Boone, and Brimley came there to film a really bad, straight-to-DVD movie called "Chapter Perfect." My then-BF and now ex-husband had a bit part in it. It sucked.

I loved Molly Ivins. I mourned her like a member of my family.

MOLLY IVINS! God, she was the best...

In the very, very early days of Match.com, I was living in LA and one of the people who emailed/contacted me from my profile was the guy who played Mike Teevee in the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie (the awesome Gene Wilder one). He was nice but we never went on an actual date.

This is the best story I got:

It's not insane per se but it was the coolest thing ever! I've been chronically ill since 4. Loads of kidney problems, autoimmune disorders, etc. A lot of pain. A lot of sleepless nights. That's how I got into old movies. If you're in pain & awake at 4am TCM is the only thing on. I LOVE old movies. I pray to Bogart &