
My BFF of 15 years ghosted me the month before she was to be my maid of honor. There was no love triangle. No drama other than I was pissed she sent me an email saying she couldn’t make my wedding 4 weeks before said event. Simply just didn’t want to deal with me. I got an index card-sized sorrynotsorry 6 years later.

This is the former Democratic Governor of NC, Beverly Perdue. She has nothing to do with this abhorrent bill.

I’m late to this article and haven’t scrolled the hundreds of comments, but since we are due for Jeb Bush’s presidential announcment at 3pm, can we start using Rachel Dolezal as a verb now, like “Remember that one time Jeb Bush Rachel Dolezal’ed on his voter registration card?”

I read or maybe heard something on NPR about how Bruce Jenner used to wear pantyhose and bras under his clothes during his first marriages and remember thinking, THE FUCK? I take my bra off the very second I get home and I flat out refuse to wear pantyhose under any circumstance. These instruments of male oppression

Now playing

Lyle Lovett has an excellent song about this: LA County

Also is she wearing different shoes on each foot or is that how they make them these days? (shamefully haven’t bought shoes in 2 years)

The. Best. Ever.

Bernie Mac had a great show.

Yes, they are uncomfortable. I am a B cup and I take that shit off the second I get home. Of course I buy my bras at Target, so perhaps that's why.

How was my mother at your wedding?

I'm married now, but continue my SSB by totally sitting on the bathroom sink counter and squeezing every blackhead on my face, a la Charlotte, except without the white gloves and vanity.

On the NYT closeup pic, Joanna Newsom's dress looks like a 1st grade art project pieced with a quilt from Pottery Barn. You're young. You're gorgeous. You're talented. So of all the pretty dresses in the world?

I dated my husband 13 years and we've been married 9 more. Nothing changed. Except we had children, bought a house, started wearing wedding bands, filed joint taxes. Other than that, no.


Come again?

Oh, I just remembered a really geeky one (and dating myself now) but I worked at a bookstore in college in DC and it was 1997, 2 years after Bob Packwood (R-OR), under the threat of expulsion, resigned the US Senate due to rampant sexual harrassment. So I was working the book desk when his call came in and I thought

All you New Yorkers with your "I was waiting tables and in walked so-and-so" stories. Well I was in Boone fucking North Carolina working 3rd shift at the Waffle Express (a Waffle House wannabe, if you can imagine) when in walks Wilford Brimley, the Quaker Oats man. He ordered an egg salad sandwich and a coffee and

I've always been disappointed that my husband always lists conventionally beautiful people for his kitchen pass list and I pick funny, less conventionally attractive folks. For instance:

This was at least 20 years ago (yes, I'm old, STFU), but reading these comments made me remember all over again how douchy my high school boyfriend was for coming to my (different) college campus freshman year during winter finals and breaking up with me. AND he read my journal (of course I had a fucking journal)

Chews with mouth open.