
Religion isn't "self-professed" but being LGBT is? What, Steve King thinks people are just born Hindu or Christian and can't change it no matter what they try to do? But gay people, oh, we convert them to the wonderful Path of Straightness all the time, everybody knows how effective that is, because it's just like

Please update with how the tag does. I bet you'll see some hits.

Between the filthy nails and that weird forcing-his-eyes-open stoned look he wears all the time, I've got to wonder just how low teenaged girls' standards are. At least the Jonas Brothers looked tidy.

This set of tattoos is exactly what I would expect out of an impulsive little shithead who completely lacks all taste and class. All the money in the world can't buy him what he really needs.

I bet she looks simply amazing. I have a lot of respect for that kind of dedication.

I don't think I'm up to that season yet. Pete's an odd little duck, but the reaction sounds about right. :(

This is just making me wonder what real ad agencies were doing around appealing to minorities at that time. I've read histories of advertising, but nothing I can remember talked about that topic. Either way, loved seeing Sasheer in action for the first time—she's good. Glad she got into SNL.

Yeah, in guarding the henhouse.

"A pastor in Kenya told women they cannot wear underwear in church anymore, because it prohibits them from feeling close to God."

I just don't get this at all. Things haven't changed much at all since I was a big girl. Seriously makes me think it's a good idea to open a really cute plus-size store that loves and adores its customers and has stuff that is actually relevant and flattering. With most of the country's women overweight or obese, why

Hadn't thought about the ex-husband's reaction, but oh my, he must be swimming in schadenfreude.

I find I gag much better over Ross Douthat's writing. Though I guess that's why he does it. People trying to be deliberately provocative have to really get extreme to distinguish themselves from a seething mass of offensiveness. Patton's bush league. Anybody who's been exposed to The Rules already kinda knows where

I don't even know what to say to your whining screed. Again, you're not really discussing anything. You're making it about putting me down and silencing me, not actually talking about anything useful. The one thing you try to put forth is a drastic mischaracterization of male victimization (forgot that all that

I don't know which is worse, the idea that she's raising sons who may end up internalizing her misogyny, or the idea that she might have had daughters who might end up assaulted and have no ally in their own corner. What a wretched, awful, horrible human being.

Yeah. Will Hunting sure wasn't a college student and just look at how awesome he was.

Could buy it used. I don't think authors get a red cent off used-book sales.

Amanda Marcotte over at Pandagon did an interesting piece not long ago about how these screeds and lectures aren't really intended for young people, but for angry old people who are losing privilege and don't like it. I seriously doubt any young woman would read this, much less find it relevant at all to her life, but

In in shock this hasn't gotten more attention. This was beautifully said and I think you've brought something really important to the table: namely, that MRAs benefit hugely from the system as it stands now. This meshes with what I have seen as well. Thank you for writing this.

Okay, non-man-person who knows everything there is to know about me and everybody I have ever talked to. Serious time. You did not actually debate or discuss anything to begin with. You insulted me and policed my experiences, declaring by fiat that I've obviously never "talked to any MRAs." Sorry, but I have. I've

The only thing bigots, racists, and sexists understand is money. Hit 'em in the wallet, and they'll start reconsidering how they talk in their out-loud voices.