"The Boy Scouts organization is "disappointed" by the decision, which will affect the organization's ability to serve children, Deron Smith, a Boy Scouts spokesman, said in a statement Sunday."
"The Boy Scouts organization is "disappointed" by the decision, which will affect the organization's ability to serve children, Deron Smith, a Boy Scouts spokesman, said in a statement Sunday."
You must be right. I've been a feminist on the internet for about oh, 25 years and obviously I've never once run into any MRAs. I don't know how in the world that could have happened. Nor did I ever claim to be an intellectual, but you must know better than I do what I was talking about, and I'm very thankful you were…
Thanks for clarifying that. My concern would be this: I don't think that MRAs really give a shit about young boys' education. Their entire thrust in even bringing it up, most of the time, is to declare feminism a failed experiment and insist that the solution is to just re-enshrine male privilege—purely and simply…
I wish I knew what they were singing. I think I like it though. Someone please translate.
I guess I don't perceive the same kind of issue regarding feminism's focus on "one side of the equation." I'm a feminist, and I want equality for all genders. It's not acceptable to favor one gender to the exclusion of the other.
Nobody should have to live with that kind of indignity. It's not okay that a country billing itself as the greatest one in the world has so many citizens facing those same decisions. Last month I had to decide between medications and groceries. That's no way to live. And I've got no more choice about it than you do.…
People don't know how to math anymore. What's funny is that my own coverage seems to have gone up a small amount monthly with the ACA's advent, but the caps and other protections mean that overall, I'll be paying less. And this slight bump in monthly fees means that other Americans will be a lot more secure and safe.…
Thank you for including the link to Whole Foods. My town just got one, and I was actually planning to go there today to check it out. I think I'll be shopping at my usual hippie co-op health-food store instead, since I know it treats its employees well.
I hope I am 1/10 as sexy and self-assured as she is when I hit that age in about 10 years.
Put some glitter on that shiznit and you'll be fine.
I hope you're feeling better today. Your ex sounds like a complete asshole to me, and that was totally not okay of him to do to you. I can't imagine what kind of mewling, preening jackass he must be to think it's acceptable to rip someone's heart out, more or less ignore that person, then call with lurid details of…
I think I understand. Is it possible they're seeing these benefits not as a leveling of the playing field, which is what they are really, but rather they're seeing this stuff as women getting something that was taken away from men somehow? I've actually heard MRAs say they don't think they've benefited at all from…
Yeah, but that's part of the delusion: they'd be in charge, if it weren't for us mean evil women holding them back. There's nobody they can feel superior to, as it is now. We're slowly eliminating all the groups assholes like these could run roughshod over.
I am SO glad I was out of the whole religion before this "purity" shit got real. Seriously. It is so far past creepy it sleeps at the Bates Motel.
I once tried to join an atheist discussion group on FB and discovered they'd gotten overrun with JAQ type MRAs. The first discussion centered around how child support and alimony should be abolished because women are mean evil sluts who'll just find another "sugar daddy" (their words) to fund their extravagant…
It's anger and entitlement and rage at women not being what they were taught women were like all their lives, all seething together into a big ball of fury. They had it great once, they had all these wonderful toys once, and then mean ole women came and took those toys away. Now instead of being the top kid on the…
Did it suddenly turn April 1 and I didn't notice or something?
You'd reckon a boy who sings for a living would enunciate ever so slightly better than this, wouldn't you? Also, he's got that raised-eyebrows-but-squinty look I associate with Justin Bieber and makes me suspect he does enough drugs to kill a large camel.