
Ick.. that's gross all right. One of my earliest memories is of up-ending a brand new Cosco-sized vat of ketchup into my mother's biggest Tupperware bowl (you know, the humongous light-green size) and sitting down with a couple of equally pint-sized friends to eat the whole bowl of it with our hands. My mother found

Grossly paternal — sorta like the man himself.

What a controlling, abusive dickhole. Man, it must just drive him fucking crazy that this young woman is no longer under his control and, from the sound of it, no longer cares about his "advice," forcing him to cast his pearls across the internet. I get this impression he was setting himself up as having matured and

They thought they'd win, I really believe. Ever see a bully pick fights? They tend to pick fights they are sure they'll win. That's what's been happening with the Religious Right for damn near 30 or 40 years. They kick some massive shitstorm up over abortion or gay marriage or something, and couch their overreach as

I don't think he'd go for that. He seems to prefer his duck-pickers to be cute teenaged girls.

There's a UK food show ("Super Sizers Go...", I think, can't remember offhand right now) that takes different decades and showcases various popular foods from there. They've done everything from the medieval era to the 1980s. It's an awesome show.

dafuq did I just watch

That is just delicious. And super-easy to make.

I really think this is the Republican playbook to a tee.

Is the GOP just out to totally alienate and enrage every voting woman in the entire country? I mean, is this some absolutely bizarre strategy on their part? Or are they really this ignorant, misogynistic, and short-sighted?

I don't think that forced-birthers realize what a door they are opening and what a flood will result if they manage to enshrine in law the idea that it's totally okay to force someone to undergo what amounts to forced organ donation and nearly-year-long enslavement as long as it's all for a good cause. How much of an

It gets even better. That court case involved Shimp doing the tests necessary to find out if he was a donor match. I got the feeling he'd kinda been talked into doing that in a family solidarity thing, and was surprised he'd turned out to be a match. Either way, he backed out and refused to give the tissue. McFall

I saw a neat blog entry the other day about "privilege distress" that really seems to capture what Baldwin's problem is. He's so very, very, very tired of having to totally change his worldview and his paradigm of how to deal with people. He used to be able to do his thing without worrying about anything. He had it

I read the whole letter in Jack's voice. It's hard to take this guy seriously when he did such a great celebrity-Poe.

And not only that, but this same anti-intellectualism means that people like this think that their 30 seconds of listening to sound bites is the equal of years and years of rigorous training and learning. This person's ignorance now constitutes an apparently valid point of view and is therefore sacred and immune to

And on the plus side, Arizona probably has a lot of cactus plants to spare.

You and I both know that there are some gay-owned, atheist-owned, Wiccan-owned, Muslim-owned businesses out there who are making signs as we speak.

On the plus side, worst case scenario and obviously not in the perfect world, but if we just wait about 30 years, that problem ought to take care of its own damn self. One funeral at a time, as they say.

1492.. the flowering of Florence just before the invasion by France. You know, Florence was well-known as a gay mecca around that time. Most young Florentine men were known to experiment as some older man's toy (do they still call these "twinks"?). Anal sex was colloquially known as "the Florentine fashion" in the way

I'll hang out for that. Please let it be one with kittens. Or corgis. Or squirrels.