
This is actually not a totally terrible thing. It's not great, but let's put it into perspective. The inhuman lizards in charge of these bigoted enclaves of intolerance are seeing their influence wane faster and faster and faster. They are becoming irrelevant, and their privilege and dominance are fading—and it is

Please know you have a right to your feelings and I think what you've done here is very brave. You've started a lot of conversations, and that hopefully is helping you heal from a horrifying childhood. It's not your fault she was fucked up. Nothing you did merited that, any of that. I hope you've found the help you

And never forget, the Bible's god is a god of love, justice, mercy, and peace, except sometimes he has to cap an innocent baby's ass to punish its parents.

I hope you came out okay.

I used to be a forced-birther. It was in large part realizing how many lies "my side" was telling that made me realize it did that because it could not sustain itself with the truth. The truth wasn't good enough, so they distorted and exaggerated whatever shred of half-truth they could get—or just made shit up out of

He's just there for the articles. Yeah, I am so fooled oh wait no I'm not.

That is a man who is 100% comfortable with whatever sexuality he embraces.

OMG I want to be this person's friend so bad. She is the correspondent this show needed AND the one they deserved. It's not often the world gets that combination and meets it all in one swell foop. I love her work. I can't say so enough.

Shakespeare's Sister put it best: When your gods are male, your males become gods. The entire thrust of fundagelicalism is about penis worship. It draws to its banner men who feel left out, picked on, and mistreated by the idea of female equality. It lures in men who feel like they should be in charge and deferred to

I will cope with this news the same way I coped with the news about low-rise jeans and skinny jeans: by ignoring it entirely and wearing whatever the hell I like.

In the Deep South it isn't that uncommon to see butts even more disproportionate. There's an actual illness/metabolic disorder (whose name escapes me) that makes a woman's butt grow hugely out of proportion to the rest of her body.

Who was that crazy guy with the horse teeth—ah yes, Romeo Rose, who headed for a Ukrainian dating site to find a woman who'd be so grateful for his help escaping her hellhole country that she'd open her legs for him on the regular. There's a lot of shocking imperialism in attitudes like the ones on display in this

It makes me kind of wonder what skellies he's got in the ole closet there.

"Don't believe people who say your great-grandparents were secretly as casual about sex as your friends are. They weren't" —

They deserved a little clutched pearls if they were saying something so ridiculous.

Fear and bigotry sell big among the fundagelical crowd. They're all eager to find the next big thing to martyrbate about, and as pointed out, plenty of them would go out of their way to patronize a business that fed into that need.

And I'm sure bigoted business owners will be trying, very, very, OH so very hard to "find" another employee who doesn't mind serving those subhumans who make their baby Jesus cry (but their peckers get weirdly hard). Too bad, sorry, can't find another one, guess those evil gays will have to go find someone else to buy

For cake and ice cream? I'm down with that.

I wouldn't mind this. I'm in my 40s and I'm old enough to have had classmates who survived polio (from other countries at least), and any parent who doesn't know what a kid in braces for his or her entire life looks like needs to see this before making a decision to play roulette with their kids' health.

oh my god that poor baby...