
There is no problem in the world that cannot be cured by going buffalo hunting.

I have no children nor future children but if there is cake, can I come too?

Back in the early 90s, I remember hearing about the margarine=bad debate and realizing that my entire life, my family had always eaten margarine under the idea that it was healthier than fat-filled butter. I began buying and using butter, and haven't stopped since. I also went to whole-fat milk instead of the 1% we'd

I've been eating butter since college (the 80s/early 90s) and would never go back. One day while I was visiting my mom, I made blueberry muffins and she asked for her revolting, disgusting fake margarine stuff on hers. Though it outraged me to think that my fresh baked goods were being thus defiled, I did as she asked

That was a terrifying article.

That's actually encouraging. I hope they're writing this dipshit to tell him what they think of his bigoted antics.

Oh you poor dear. You came in here and started up with that bullshit and you have no idea what you are messing with. First: you've been told, but chose to ignore, that Christians have just as much of a risk of divorce as anybody else, and maybe even way more of a divorce given that they go in for the "soulmate"

I like those hanging shelves you can buy for like $8. They're just a canvas rectangle with 4-5 shelves built in it that hangs from a pair of hooks. You hang it on a closet rod and presto, it's like a narrow bookcase in your closet. I have two of 'em. I keep my sweaters and other fold-up stuff in one, and scarves and

God, I remember the goose bumps I got the first time I heard this song as a teenager. RIP, Whitney. What an incredible talent she had.

I almost cried seeing what you wrote, as brief as it was, Jay2112. I really hope you're finding some inspiration here. Good luck and godspeed.

It was so AMAZING to be able to be active again when I began losing weight (225ish pounds down to 150, and I've kept it off for over 10 years). I couldn't afford a gym or anything, still can't, but I bought one of those cheap plastic stepping-thingies for cardio and made a point of going up and down the stairs at any

I'll be in my bunk.

Weren't we just talking about "movie cancer" the other day? This is the real deal. This woman's amazing. I'm so proud of her. I wish I could thank her myself for raising awareness of what cancer looks like.

My mom died of cancer (uterine). If I get a form of it that requires my breasts to go, I'm totally doing this kind of tattoo. I've already thought about it. Whatever part of me gets sliced is getting covered in colorful ink afterward. I've never gotten a tattoo in my life, either. I will look like one of those posters

That's neat to know. Very interesting. It's been about 20 years since I was in Canada, so yeah, certainly it could have been that way for a good long while. Thanks for the update.

It's been a few years since I lived there, but at the time services were free. I can see why they might have changed to a copay or something. I went to the ER once with what later turned out to be a panic attack and there were four other people in there with me, only one of whom looked like an emergency case; one

From what I remember from living there, BC also has the shortest registration period for a Canadian moving into the province to becoming eligible for services. I think I remember hearing it was like six weeks.

I was involved for a while with a drug addict while living in Vancouver. He was more into prescription drugs than this kind of thing, but it was my first brush with 24-hour pharmacies. I thank every god there is for the pharmacy in Vancouver that was open one late night that let me call and talked to me about just

I used to live on Hastings—way closer to the university end than downtown end. It was just shocking to me how bad it was downtown. And this was in the 90s. I reckon it's gotten a lot worse since then. Vancouver really cured me of a lot of my naivete.

Oh, he sounds like an awesome kitty.