
I wish there was some easy way for conspiracy-theory believing parents to internalize this lesson. It seems like no matter how much evidence we get about the safety of vaccines, they'll just drill down harder on their belief that vaccines simply must be dangerous. Being a parent can be scary, and holding fast to this

I'm really glad that you're taking the direction here that you did. You've really hit the nail on the head; a lot of this dieting stuff is really classist and deeply invalidating to women. It's hard to want to be healthy and eat healthy without risking a buy-in to that kind of mentality. I think you did it well. <3

Between #askThicke and #DrHobbyLobby I'd say my faith in humanity's been restored just a little today. I needed that.

I genuinely suspect that the problem with the eyebrows is that he's tripping so hard he can't keep his eyes open. He reminds me of a small child trying to stay awake after a sleepover so he can watch cartoons on Saturday morning. I've never yet seen a photo of this kid taken in the last few years where he wasn't

Douglas Adams put it best: Brickable. This man's expression is brickable. What a thoroughly repulsive personality to go along with it. We can't help what we're born with, name or cheekbones or whatevs, but that expression is one he made deliberately, that hairstyle is one he actually paid someone good money to give

My, he's quite a slender reed himself. And incredibly gorgeous by any conventional standard. I can see why he feels qualified to pass judgement on other people's appearance.

Hope you're not afraid of heights, because you're going to be standing on the Gold Medal part of the platform for that one.

I'm not rich. I'm not super-well-traveled and my career fell apart when I fell to a chronic health condition. Not all CF women are rich, glamorous jet-setters! But despite all that, I am happy. I passionately love my husband and our life. We have amazing sex when we want it. We sleep in if we like. We play video games

I tried to get sterilized at 16. Then again at 18. Then again at 20, and so on and so forth. A doctor finally agreed to do it when I was 31-32 or so. No regrets at all. I'm mid-40s, coming up on 12 years with the most amazing man in the world, and we love our childfree life together. Everybody said I'd change my mind,

Can't blame you. That revelation made my eyes bulge—how can anybody pack so much mean-spirited, judgmental callousness into one statement? Every time I think I've heard it all, another entry rolls in... Good luck with everything. And I'm CF by choice as well and like LesterSue, generally make sure potential partners

Hey, my mom was technically Southern-born and bred ;) One never knows what'll happen to turn our parents around. Thanks for letting me waltz down Memory Lane a bit today. I think you're right about religion; though Christians were the main folks objecting to it and the main dangers cited by them were that kids might

Damn. SKIPPY. There are enough decent men in this world that I don't need to waste time on the man-children.

Thanks :) She got WAY into gaming. It was a pleasing shock to see her old gaming notebooks and realize that my super-duper Catholic mother, the ex-Catholic schoolgirl herself, really dug playing thieves and assassins. She and my dad both got into D&D after I moved out for college. I took her to DragonCon with me the

Aww, thanks :) I hope she does have your books! When my mom died, I got all my D&D books back—including the Cthluhu-pantheon Monster Manual. She wouldn't let me burn them when I went fundie in high school and all my fundie friends were burning their old gaming books and comics, and I'm glad she put her foot down! (It

The last person who said that to me honestly thought he was the most "honest and open" person in the whole wide world. The was a lot of cognitive dissonance required to maintain that belief in the face of overwhelming evidence against it, but he heroically managed the task. He was like those MRA/Nice Guy™ types who

That's a strange assumption to level at a female gamer. I don't pretend to know every single thing there is to know about gaming, but it's hard to miss the criticism that some men level at female gamers, isn't it? (What happens to so many women at cons makes me just rage.) I'm glad we're so stubborn! I do think that

That is just mind-blowing. What a bunch of horseshit to have to deal with.

I'm not totally sure if this is across-the-board accurate, but I'd say that tabletop gaming has a pretty good mix of genders at this point. Originally I saw a lot more men than women—and I was the only girl I knew playing until well into high school. But ever since White Wolf got popular, I've been seeing a lot more

It sounds like you're more upset about someone bringing a newbie into your game than that this newbie is female, though you're also upset about that too just because girls = gaming idiots. I'm going to leave off your gendered whining about how meeeeeean it is that women get women's clubs while you're stuck driving

Damn. Yeah, that's a winner... I've had bad luck with guys who describe what they want as "open and honest" relationships. They tend to be the most dishonest assholes of the lot—and punish honesty in any form.